What is a vegan? What is the definition of 'vegan?' What does the word 'vegan' mean? Many people have heard a little bit about "vegans", or perhaps have an acquaintance who is a vegan, and they are curious about what this word really means. The following article will provide you with answers and will also inform you about various aspects of veganism such as food consumed, health benefits and related terminology.
Definition of vegan: A vegan is a person who excludes all animal-based products from their diet. This means a total elimination of red meat, chicken, duck and turkey, fish and seafood, honey, cheese, eggs, butter, cream and any other product that is of animal origin.
A vegan is similar to a vegetarian in the respect that both persons exclude meat from their diet. The diet of a vegan however not only excludes meat but also excludes all animal-based products (ex: dairy products and eggs)
Also known as: Plant-based diet; animal-free diet; meat and dairy-free diet; animal-friendly diet.
Veganism - refers to the lifestyle of a vegan and the set of beliefs that they adopt. This is the belief that they should not consume any animal-based foods for personal reasons and beliefs.
Diet of a vegan: A vegan can eat anything that does not contain (or is processed by means of) meat, dairy or other animal based products. Their diet will by based on fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, whole-grains, tofu, "mock" meat and dairy products (or meat and dairy 'clones'), dairy-free treats such as cakes or brownies, and vegan chocolate.
Contrary to popular belief, foods on this lifestyle have the capability to be flavorsome and satisfying (rather than dull and boring). There are many amazing vegan recipes available nowadays to create 'clones' of your favorite meals, desserts and snacks. It has often been said that vegan foods and meals are tastier and more enjoyable than their standard counterparts!
Why people choose to become vegan:
A person will generally become a vegan for one of the following reasons:
· Detoxification of a sick, lethargic body
· Increased energy
· Health benefits (weight loss, skin, allergies, etc.)
· To prevent, treat or reverse chronic disease (diabetes, cancers, arthritis, high-cholesterol, high-blood pressure etc.)
· Longevity
· To look younger (a vegan lifestyle has been known to make a person look younger, make their hair and nails healthier, make their skin softer and their eyes whiter)
· Animal rights
· Environmental issues
· Vegan food tastes great
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