Monday, 5 January 2015

Cleansing With the Seasons

citrus tree : Many orange on tree

cleansing the body of toxins is becoming more and more popular as people become more educated on natural health, nutrition, and detox benefits. Many are starting to implement cleansing as a lifestyle, implementing several cleanses a year because of the many health benefits they receive. Traditional Chinese Medicine has taught for a long time that the body is an amazing creation designed to work with nature. It was designed so that it cleanses specific organ systems most effectively at certain times of the year when our body most needs those organ systems to be clean and when the foods that support those organ systems are growing naturally in nature. According to "The Law of the Five Elements" by Dianne M. Connelly, Ph D. each organ in our body has a time and a season where it receives the most energy from the body.

Fall is the time that the colon and lungs receive their major energy allotments. This means that those organ systems may respond better to a cleanse protocol at this time of year than at any other time. Our bodies are gearing up for colder weather. Our bodies want to put on extra weight during this time to get us through the colder months of the year. It's not just Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many of the foods that grow this time of year are heavy and help us put on weight. The body needs a clean colon at this time of year because these heavier foods can stagnate in the colon and cause toxicity if the colon is not functioning properly.

Our lungs and immune systems can also be very much affected by the colon. It is especially important for our lungs and immune systems to be functioning at their peak to protect against the many bacteria and virus that we may be more susceptible to as a result of the cold. Up to 70% of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract and if our immune system is focusing its resources on dealing with toxins in the colon, it will not be able to support the rest of the body as effectively. Cleansing the colon helps to relieve stress from the immune system and lungs so that they can be better equipped to keep you healthy in the cold.

Winter is the time to support and cleanse the kidneys. Winter foods in nature tend to be very heavy with more meats and fats. This puts extra stress on the kidneys. The kidneys are receiving their energy allotment at this time so this is the time to give them support and cleanse. The inability of the kidneys to properly filter the extra winter proteins and toxins may result in them being deposited into body tissues. This can increase the chance of developing gout.

Spring is the time to cleanse the liver and gall bladder. Light and easy to digest vegetables, sprouts, and leafy greens are perfect for cleansing the liver and are starting to grow in the spring. The liver is also receiving its high energy allotment. One of the liver's primary functions is to filter toxins and cleansing and supporting the liver helps to get the body clean and ready for a new year of life. Spring should be the time when people set their New Years weight loss resolutions. Unlike winter, spring is a great time to do a weight loss cleanse because the liver is ready to expel toxins that have been held in place by fat cells so that they do not harm the rest of the body. Once these toxins are processed out of the body it has no need for the fat cells that held them.

Summer produces abundant and diverse fruits, berries, and vegetables that are high in vitamins and minerals. The body needs the high levels of nutrition to rebuild and repair itself. It needs to get itself ready for the following seasons so it needs the stomach and small intestine to be able to effectively digest and assimilate those nutrients. The systems that receive their energy in early summer are the heart and small intestine and the ones that receive their energy in late summer are the spleen, lymph, and stomach.

Cleansing with the seasons is a great way to work with and support your body in a way that flows with nature and in the timing that produces the greatest cleanse results

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