Anxiety and depression have a large impact on a person's health and are set off by traumatic events that occur in a person's life. These stressors are what cause problems with weight loss and overall health. How a person deals with these traumatic experiences has a major influence on their weight and level of wellness. Understanding how stress affects permanent weight loss, could be the solution that many people need in order to lose those unwanted pounds and achieve a level of wellness.
The Relationship Between Stress and Weight Loss
Stress has a larger impact on a person's body than most people realize. The stress can take on many forms, including physical, emotional or spiritual. Regardless of its reason or cause, it can force the body to break down, rather than build up, which is what a normal, healthy diet should do for the body. When the body begins to break down, it holds onto the energy that is consumed, in the form of food, rather than burning it, as the body normally would. This causes a person to gain weight, regardless of how healthy their diet may be or how much they exercise.
Anabolic and Catabolic State
Metabolism operates in two states, anabolic and catabolic. During anabolic metabolism, the body is building up molecules. In a catabolic state, the molecules are broken down and used for energy. This is when the body goes into survival mode, protecting a person from disease. When a body is stressed, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, the body reacts by going into a catabolic state. If the stress triggers anxiety or depression, the catabolic state can be ongoing, which leads to permanent weight gain, regardless of the calories that are consumed, the amount of healthy food that is eaten or the amount of exercise performed.
Knowledge is Key
Lack of knowledge also plays a powerful role in how stress affects permanent weight loss. Making a conscious effort to become fit in all aspects of a person's life, including physically, emotionally and spiritually, is the only way to empower the body to fight weight gain. This level of consciousness during all times in a person's life is what will help to fight the negative state of mind and the catabolic metabolism that always ensues. As a person becomes more conscious of their feelings and level of anxiety or depression, they can get the help needed to learn to bring themselves into a more positive state, whether through acceptance, letting go or a combination of the two.
Identifying the key stressors in a person's life is a large factor in their ability to lose weight. Putting all diet and exercise aside, a person's mind has a large impact on the amount of weight that they gain or lose. Taking a person's emotional well-being seriously is the start to permanent weight loss. This includes dealing with the daily struggles and life altering experiences that occur in life. The more proactive a person is with their level of consciousness, the more they will realize how stress affects permanent weight loss.
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