A green smoothie means a world of goodness for you. If you are having at least one tall glass of smoothie every day, you are definitely loading up on nutrition and watching your weight. A green drink is a great way to begin your day because it gives you all the energy boost you need. If you cannot seem to wake up without your cup of coffee every day, you can try replacing it with a glass of smoothie and you will never feel the need for caffeine anymore! If you are using your own recipes and wondering how to make your drink healthier, wheatgrass is an ingredient you must use.
The benefits of adding this green to your smoothies
Wheatgrass is an ingredient that is great addition to any green smoothie. It is a powerhouse of many vitamins and minerals. Minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium are present in it. Wheatgrass also contains important vitamin sources such as Vitamin B, E and A. It also contains a large amount of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a great substance that can help you purify the blood and prevent toxins from building up in your body. This is a wonderful green that helps those who are suffering from digestion problems, blood pressure issues and also helps those who have are having problems with things like a sleep disorder or skin problems.
Since wheatgrass by itself does not taste good, adding it to your smoothie is the best way to extract its nutrition. It is available in various formats such as powder, juice or blocks. If you are feeling low and energy and are looking for a drink that will give you an immediate energy boost try out the following recipe using wheatgrass. For this recipe you will need two servings of this grass (you can use juice, shots, cubes or powder), one teaspoon of maple syrup, one orange, I cup of chopped baby spinach, half a cup of kale, two bananas and a cup of frozen peaches. Blend it all in with a cup of water and you have a wonderful smoothie ready in a matter of seconds.
Simplerecipes with greens
If you are looking for a simple smoothie that uses this great green, you can use the following ingredients. You will need two stalks of celery, half a cup of parsley, four large leaves of spinach and two cubes of wheatgrass. If you are using this recipe, make sure your greens are thoroughly washed before use. If you do not want to use so many ingredients and would like a simple smoothie recipe, you can try out a healthy and fresh carrot wheatgrass smoothie. For this you will need about three small carrots, two small cubes of this grass and half a cup of water.
If you use these recipes for making smoothies you will find that not only are you losing weight, you are feeling more energetic as well. Having green smoothies with fresh and healthy ingredients will improve the overall condition of your health too.
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