For many years I have struggled with the challenge of staying sober at any social event. The very concept of sobriety would scare me so much that I ended up drinking even more than I normally would. How could I stay away from that first drink of the evening? Alcohol is everywhere at a social gathering or party. Usually I simply gave in to my temptation as I felt it was just inevitable that I would be drinking so I would start drinking immediately to offset the battle that raged in my mind. However after many years of doing this I found a simple method that changed how alcohol controlled my behaviour.
• 1. In the early evening I found it useful to eat a proper meal before going to a party. Drinking on an empty stomach changed the way alcohol affected me and I always drank more because of this. I discovered it was very important to eat an adequate meal before departing. After eating I felt that I was more in control of my mental perceptions and I felt better equipped to deal with my internal struggle regarding my impending drinking session.
• 2. If you have a close friend who knows of your difficulty with alcohol then ask them to keep an eye on you. If you know someone is watching how much you drink it can make you drink slower.
• 3. Before leaving the house, look in your bedroom mirror and make sure you are looking as well as you can. Clothes are well laundered and ironed and you are well groomed.
• 4. On arrival at the party remind yourself that you can use a glass of mere water as a social prop. It does not necessarily need to contain alcohol. Try to extend the time it takes to drink this glass.
• 5. You may be used to drinking large quantities of alcohol at a party but try to drink white wine but with the addition of the water already in the glass. Each time you add wine to your glass, dilute it with water. The water will prevent a sudden rush of alcohol to the system and the feeling of being more in control of your situation will give you a great confidence boost.
• 6. Decide between yourself and your friend (who is looking after you) that you will leave the party at a set time. Promise yourself that you will go somewhere the next day, a museum for instance, so that you have a plan that sees further than merely the night in hand. This may help you to diminish the inflated importance that your perception puts on alcohol by giving yourself a reward.
These are simple steps that can be used as a trial. It would also be useful to contact a medical practitioner who can assess your level of alcohol usage with a view to professional counselling. Alcohol can have its merits when used by responsible adults. Addiction can destroy this sense of responsibility as it is merely a drug that temporarily changes our perception. Alcohol never has and never will solve our personal problems. The answers can only come from within ourselves.
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