If you're planning to go on a juice cleanse, here are the top 10 tips you should follow for a successful fast:
1. Consult with your health care representative
Although good for the health, a juice cleanse is not advisable for individuals who have standing health problems such as Diabetes. It is vital that you check with your doctor initially before going on the fast and ask if you are qualified to go through with it. Also don't hesitate to inquire about juicing - ask how long your juice cleanse should be as a first timer, when's the ideal time to start and any other queries you may have.
2. Set some goals
Once your doctor gives you the go signal for your juice cleanse, then it's time to go through with it. One of the first important steps of the process is goal-setting. Asking yourself things like "What is my intention for doing this?" and "What do I want to achieve after this?" will help you determine both your short-term and long-term goals.
3. Prepare your body for the juice cleanse
You don't have to start right away. Allow a few days to a week to prepare both your mind and body so it won't be difficult to adjust once you've started. During this time period, try to cut down on processed foods, caffeine, dairy and foods that are hard to digest like red meat. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.
4. Choose a quality juicer
Choose a juicer that will meet your personal needs. Do some research online about different models then compare their features but consider the price.
5. Research juice recipes
You can create your own recipes but since this is your first juice fast, it's only wise to look for basic juice recipes to follow and begin from there.
6. Create a meal plan
You will save a lot of time when you plan your meals. Listing the different juice recipes you plan on drinking each day will help you determine what fresh produce to buy at the store. It will also help you take control of your meals - you can alternate a fruit juice with a vegetable juice for varied taste.
7. Buy your fruits and vegetables in bulk
Do this to save time and money. Buy fresh produce for the first 3 days of your juice cleanse. Remember, most fruits and vegetables can only remain fresh for 4-5 days.
8. Learn about the different juicing symptoms
Because waste and toxins are being eliminated from your body, you should expect some discomforts such as headache, sleeplessness, acne, irregular bowel movement, body aches etc. These symptoms will last only 1-2 days, but expecting them will be easier for you.
9. Get some support
You shouldn't have to deal with this challenge alone - get support from your family or friends, or better yet find someone to juice with you. Joining juice cleanse forums and communities online may also help you get more motivated.
10. Enjoy yourself
Most of all, it is important that you relax and enjoy the experience. Think of it as your path to a healthier and happier life and not some struggle you have to face each day.
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