How to make your sex better
Need some tips on being better in bed? Then look no further than this lesson in love. Avoid these seven things that make you terrible in bed and you’ll soon be a sex champ:
Tear jerker movies
What do you do for date night? If you tend to ditch the action movies and the raunchy flicks for soppy, tear jerkers like The Lion King, maybe you’ve found the root to your sexual problems. Sad or violent films can turn people off because they make you stressed, anxious and less aroused. Watching something hot and erotic will do the opposite and get you in the mood. Next date night, rent movies like The Secretary or American Pie.
Your boss
Ever wondered why men have more wet dreams on the weekend? Okay, so in part it’s because of that extra long lie in, but it’s also because everyone’s stress levels tend to decrease when they are away from the office. Stress is the number one, all-time nemesis to good, passionate sex. So next time you think you’re underperforming in the boudoir consider booking some time off from the nine to five slog.
Stress can have an impact on your sex life
Skipping the gym
Swapping your lycra for your lounge pants may sound like a great plan, but skipping your date with the cross-trainer could be making you terrible in bed. If you skip regular exercise your sex drive is lower, your self-confidence may be affected, plus you miss out on that great mood enhancer you get after being active. Researchers found that men who exercise for one hour three times a week have improved sexual function, more sex and better sexual satisfaction.
Smoking makes you stink. That much is obvious. What you might not have known though is that smoking also hinders the body’s blood flow, and therefore makes you less sensitive. For the guys who smoke, be warned, your erections won’t be as good. For the ladies, you may find it more difficult to have that blinding orgasm and you may even want sex less. Extinguish the cigarette, not your love life.
Your pet
Thought your dog was your best friend? Think again. That pooch might be the reason you can’t satisfy your guy or girl. According to Dr. Herbenick a dog can change people’s sleep cycle, which can affect their sex life. Also, having your dog or cat watching you in bed can be a big turn off. A surprisingly high number of people state that their pets regularly put them off getting intimate and ruin the mood for them and their partners.
You may need a pick-me-up in the morning, but if you want to impress in the bedroom guys you should skip your coffee fix and opt for a less pungent energy boost. Coffee is one of the things that make your semen taste bad. Other things to avoid are: garlic, onions and red meat. However, for the girls coffee may not be such a bad thing. According to a US study coffee could help boost women’s sex drive.
Your phone
Shockingly, one third of respondents in a TeleNav study said they would give up sex for a week rather than their phones. If you’re one of these techno geeks then just take a minute to consider how your phone habits affect your love life. As soon as you get a new message through you’ll be tempted to read it. As soon as that email arrives, you won’t be able to relax. Make sure you silence your phone before it silences your night of passion.
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