Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Queen of Fruits - Mangosteen Fruit

Southeast Asia for the longest time has revered Mangosteen for the unique flavor it has as well as the suggestion that it can actually promote good health. The most amazing thing about this fruit is that the entire fruit is used especially, the rind which is xanthone packed. It acquired the name "the queen of fruits" as a result of Queen Victoria fetish for the fruit. She would offer knighthood to anyone who managed to bring the fruit to her in its prime condition. However, no one ever succeeded because of preservation issues considering the long journey the fruit had to take. The admirable quest of the queen gave this fruit this title and it has stuck to date. The fruit is now grown in different parts of the world and it is gaining popularity.

The Mangosteen Fruit Juice

The mangosteen fruit is usually eaten as a fruit for dessert. It is also made into jams which can be enjoyed with different kinds of breads and foods too. The one thing that is becoming too popular, however is mangosteen juice. There is a health drink known as xango juice and one that has created a whole new way of enjoying the fruit. The juice is not only made to be enjoyed, but also as a supplement. The fruit is packed with lots of minerals, compounds and nutrients hence the reason as to why it used to make the juices. Besides enjoying the popular xango juice, individuals can also make their own juice at home using this fruit.


To make delicious mangosteen juice that you can enjoy at home, you will need

2 pieces of the fruit
200ml of water
Sugar (optional)
Start by choosing the best mangosteen fruits that you can find. They should be ripe enough and free from any dirt. Clean the fruits in readiness for the juice preparation. Make sure that the fruit is well cleaned before opening it. You can easily use a knife to open the fruit to reach to the flesh inside it. Remove the contents inside the fruit. This should be done with care to make sure that the outer skin does not come in contact with the fruit flesh. This is because it can be very bitter and can give the juice a taste that is not too pleasant. Take the mangosteen fruit peel and the contents inside into a blender before then adding a little honey, water and some sugar. The sugar is however optional; it will be better to blend the juice without the sugar. Blend the content until you have a smooth beverage. You can then enjoy your juice with meals or at any other given time of the day where a refreshing drink is needed.

The mangosteen fruit is a delicious fruit with a taste that is simply unique. It is tasty and can be enjoyed in lots of different ways. It is a tropical fruit with useful rind, fruit juice, fruit, bark and twig.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

How to Live a Natural and Healthy Lifestyle – 12 Tips on Healthy Living

Family having fun on tropical beach
Family having fun on tropical beach
A Natural and Healthy Lifestyle.

Program your mind to always be living a natural and healthy lifestyle and the body will soon crave it. Imagine that the body is your engine and give it the very best “fuel” and conditions to prevent diseases. The body is amazing in its ability to constantly work towards restoring a state of optimum health. Once you realize the benefits, and then put into practice the steps necessary to achieve them, a natural and healthy lifestyle will become second nature to you. A natural and healthy lifestyle is sustainable which is of great benefit to nature and to our children. That alone is a reason to shift to a more natural lifestyle.

12 tips on healthy living – how to live a natural and healthy lifestyle:

Eat organic and unrefined food.
Drink water or make your own juice.
Prepare food in a way that doesn’t “kill” the food.
Grow organic vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries.
Use natural resources as wild berries, herbs, mushrooms.
Eat to live, don’t live to eat.
Spend more time outside, and live in harmony with nature.
Use natural alternatives to medicines when possible.
Compost your wastes and recirculate as much as possible.
Reuse and/or buy second hand, give away things you don’t need.
Follow your intuition (listen to your soul), follow your heart, dare to be yourself.
Practice meditation and yoga.
Find your special natural and healthy lifestyle.

It is unattainable for all to do all the things on this list – it is apparent that if you live in an apartment on 32nd floor in New York it’ll be difficult to grow your own vegetables. A good alternative is to buy organic grown vegetables. For many it may also be a problem to find organically grown vegetables close by. Organic green super foods and vitamin/mineral supplements can be a good addition to your diet if you can’t find organic products. Walter C. Willett has an excellent book on the bestselling guide to healthy eating, debunking dietary myths and proposing the radical benefits of low-carbohydrate diet, Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy is filled with advice backed up by documented research.

Start out small – set goals!

My best advice is that you simply discuss with your spouse, partner and or kids what changes you would like and wish to do in your life, in order to have a more natural and healthy lifestyle. You don’t need to implement all of the 12 tips on healthy living. Start with one or two. When you are making this a family matter it is easier to accomplish as you can support one another when necessary. It is most probable that you have different wishes and needs.

Write down your goals and put them on a place where you easily can see them. Don’t try to change everything from one day to another. Take one step at a time. Soon it will become a new habit and then you can introduce the next step. If you do this you will find that it is not hard. And when you notice the effect it has on your well being you will be inspired to continue – the ball is spinning.

Example of a goal could be: (make a deadline).

I want to lose xx pounds.
I want to get rid of my belly fat.
I don’t want to expose my children for additives, artificial preservatives or pesticides.
I want more energy.
I want to cure my colon problems.
Your main goal should be to live a HAPPY NATURAL LIFE! Bring it to mind it’s never too late to begin – Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Start implementing a few of the tips on healthy living today.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Why am I tired all the time?

Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for ‘tired all the time’.
Dr Rupal Shah, a GP in south London, says tiredness is one of the most common complaints she sees in her surgery. “I see loads and loads of patients who complain of feeling exhausted, even though they’re sleeping well. Often it’s been going on for several months.”
At any given time, one in five people feels unusually tired, and one in 10 have prolonged fatigue, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Women tend to feel tired more than men.
“It’s unusual to find anything physically wrong. Most of the time, fatigue is linked with mood and the accumulation of lots of little stresses in life,” says Dr Shah.
Dr Shah says she routinely takes a blood test from patients complaining of tiredness to rule out a medical cause, such asanaemia or an underactive thyroid gland.
“There’s more chance of a medical reason for tiredness if there are other symptoms as well, such as heavy periods, weight loss, a change in bowel habits, hair loss, extreme thirst and so on.”
If you want to work out how you became tired in the first place, it can help to think about:
  • parts of your life, such as work and family, that might be particularly tiring
  • any events that may have triggered your tiredness, for instance, a bereavement or relationship break-up
  • how your lifestyle may be making you tired.

Physical causes of tiredness

There are lots of health complaints that can make you feel tired. Not just the well-recognised ones like anaemia and thyroid problems, but also more surprising ailments, such as diabetes and food intolerance.
Read more about the medical causes of tiredness.
Being overweight or underweight can cause tiredness. That’s because your body has to work harder than normal to do everyday activities. If you’re underweight, you have less muscle strength, and you may feel tired more quickly.
Pregnancy, especially in the first 12 weeks, can also sap your energy.

Psychological causes of tiredness

Psychological tiredness is far more common than tiredness that's caused by a physical problem.
One key reason is anxiety, which can cause insomnia and in turn lead to persistent fatigue. A survey by the Mental Health Foundation found that nearly a third of the population are severely sleep-deprived, often because of job and money worries. The Foundation’s report, Sleep Matters, suggests a link between insomnia and low energy levels.
The worries and strains of daily life can be exhausting, even positive events, such as moving house or getting married. And emotional shock, such as bad news, bereavement or the break-up of a relationship, can make you feel drained.
Mental health problems such as depression or anxiety can make you feel more tired. They can also prevent you from getting a proper night's sleep.
If you think your tiredness may be rooted in low mood, try this short audio-guide to dealing with your sleep problems.

Lifestyle causes of tiredness

Tiredness can often be attributed to lifestyle factors, such as drinking too much alcohol, or having a bad diet. If you drink alcohol in the evening, it tends to wake you in the middle of the night. And if you drink a lot regularly, it can make you depressed and affect your sleep. “I’m always surprised to find how often patients who complain of tiredness are drinking far too much,” says Dr Shah.
If you have a disturbed sleep pattern – for instance if you work night shifts, sleep in the day or look after young children – it can be difficult to get a good night’s sleep, and you’ll feel tired during the day.

Monday, 27 April 2015

How to Boost Metabolism – Lose Weight Fast Naturally with 3 Easy and Cheap Metabolism Boosting Diets

Metabolism is a very important reason why some people are fat or overweight. This is also the reason why some people stay skinny no matter how much they eat. If you are one of the unfortunate people who are stuck with a very slow metabolism, there are ways in which you can boost your metabolism and achieve a healthy weight loss.

Recommended Water Intake
You probably heard about the saying that drinking eight glasses of water a day provides numerous health benefits. Water keeps you hydrated, regulates the body temperature, aids in good digestion and detoxifies. While this saying is true, there is also another reason why you should be drinking plenty of water daily.

According to a recent research in Germany, drinking approximately 17 ounces of water immediately speeds up metabolism. The metabolic rate of a person can go up as high as 30% when he or she drinks 8 glasses of water daily. It also washes down the by-products of fat breakdown and suppresses hunger, helping you to lose weight.

Think about it, these are great reasons why you should drink as much as you can. Remember to drink a lot more when you are exercising or suffering from extremely hot weather.

Importance of Exercise

Exercise is the best way of how to speed up your metabolism. It is ideal to exercise in the morning right after waking up in order to boost your metabolism right away. The increase in metabolism will last throughout the day or more depending on the type of exercise.

 Weight training, according to experts, is the best type of exercise to speed up metabolism. The effect of a 25 minute proper weight training program on your metabolism can last two to three days after the workout.
This should be combined with cardiovascular work-out in order to achieve the highest amount of weight loss in the shortest time possible. Cardiovascular exercise also increases metabolism but only for short periods. Jillian Michaels, a famous fitness instructor describes in detail her methods to boost metabolism. Learn more here.

How to Boost Metabolism with Foods

It is important to learn how to boost metabolism naturally by eating the right kinds of food. High protein food that is low in fat is an ideal metabolism food. Protein is hard to breakdown so the body has to work harder and burn a lot of calories in order to digest high protein foods properly. The best high protein foods for increasing metabolism are chicken breast, lean beef and turkey.

Fiber rich foods are also great natural metabolism boosters. These foods also require the body to burn extra calories for proper breakdown aside from cleansing the digestive tract. Fiber also gives a person the feeling of fullness quicker thus less food and calories are consumed resulting to weight loss. Some of the best choices are spinach, broccoli and other green leafy vegetables.

Studies also suggest eating 5 smaller meals a day in order to increase metabolism. Add high protein sources and high fiber foods in each meal and the weight will come off faster.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Regular walking breaks 'protect arteries'

Sick of your job or is your job making you sick (or both)?
“Just a five-minute walk every hour helps protect against damage of sitting all day,” the Mail Online reports.

A study of 12 healthy but inactive young men found that if they sat still without moving their legs for three hours, the walls of their main leg artery showed signs of decreased flexibility. However, this was “prevented” if the men took five-minute light walking breaks about every hour.

Less flexibility in the walls of the arteries has been linked to atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of the arteries), which increases the risk of heart disease.

However, it is not possible to say from this small and short-term study whether taking walking breaks would definitely reduce a person’s risk of heart disease.

There is a growing body of evidence that spending more time in sedentary behaviour such as sitting can have adverse health effects – for example, a 2014 study found a link between sedentary behaviour and increased risk of chronic diseases.

While this study may not be definitive proof of the benefits of short breaks during periods of inactivity, having such breaks isn’t harmful, and could turn out to be beneficial.

What kind of research was this?

This was a small crossover randomised controlled trial (RCT) assessing the effect of breaks in sitting time on one measure of cardiovascular disease risk: flexibility of the walls of arteries.

The researchers report that sitting for long periods of time has been associated with increased risk of chronic diseases and death, and this may be independent of how physically active a person is when they are not sitting. This is arguably more an issue now than it would have been in the past, as a lot of us have jobs where sitting (sedentary behaviour) is the norm.

Short breaks from sitting are reported to be associated with improvements in a lower waist circumference, and fats and sugar in the blood.

A randomised controlled trial is the best way to assess the impact of an intervention on outcomes.

What were the basic results?

The researchers found that the widening of the artery in response to blood flow (called flow-mediated dilation) reduced over three hours spent sitting without moving. However, getting up for five-minute walks in this period stopped this from happening. The researchers did not find any difference between the trials in another measure of what is going on in the arteries, called the “shear rate” (a measurement of how well a fluid flows through a channel such as a blood vessel).


This small and very short-term crossover randomised controlled trial has suggested that sitting still for long periods of time causes the walls of the main artery in the leg to become less flexible, and that having five-minute walking breaks about every hour can prevent this.

The big question is: does this have any effect on our health?

The flexibility of arteries (or in this case, one particular artery) is used as what is called a “proxy” or “surrogate” marker for a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease. However, just because these surrogate markers improve, this does not guarantee that a person will have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Longer-term trials are needed to determine this.

The potential adverse effects of spending a lot of time sitting, independent of a person’s physical activity, is currently a popular area of study. Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular in the US, so people spend most of their working day on their feet. Some even bring a treadmill into their office (see this recent BBC News report on desk treadmills).

Researchers are particularly interested in whether taking breaks from unavoidable periods of sitting could potentially reduce any adverse effects, but this research is still at an early stage.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

5 shocking sex facts

Sex can help you give a great speech

Before you get carried away, we are not suggesting you hop into bed with your boss or sleep with the entire audience. However, having sex can help ease those all too familiar and very dreaded pre-speech nerves. This theory was developed by the psychologist Stuart Brody, who asked 22 women and 22 men to keep sex diaries about their bedroom antics. The group of men and women then had to undertake stressful tasks, like public speaking and mental arithmetic tests. Brody found that the couples who had had penetrative sex were less stressed and their blood pressure levels returned to normal at more speed that the others. Sadly though, those who “did it” alone did not reap the calming benefits, so buddy up before your next big speech.
A couple kissingA couple kissing

The Victorians were filthy

It turns out that the Victorians weren’t the tight-lipped prudes we once imagined. In fact it would seem that the Brits of the nineteenth century were a rather fruity bunch. Not only was this the age that heralded the vibrator as a cure for hysteria, but it also saw a rise in kinky behaviour and tools, such as nipple piercings, pubic wigs and some rather gruesome looking sex chairs. The sauciness doesn’t end there though. Although it is still disputed, it’s thought that the term blow job also derives from this “prudish” period where people would speak about a ‘below job’ and referred to prostitutes as ‘blowsys’.

We kiss to inoculate

Researchers at the University of Leeds believe that humans kiss to inoculate. Women who catch cytomegalovirus typically cannot carry a baby to term. However, if women are exposed to the virus in small doses then they become inoculated. And how can you inoculate against the virus? Why, through swapping saliva of course. Therefore, the brain boxes at the University of Leeds have concluded that we don’t jump into bed with each other straightaway because if we did we might infect women. Therefore we kiss to protect women from catching cytomegalovirus. So pucker up and stay healthy by smooching.

Giving oral is as good as the gym

Sadly girls, giving oral will only benefit you if you’re the giver not the taker. A study has found that pleasuring a guy and swallowing can lower women’s blood pressure and reduce their risk of getting pre-eclampsia. However, if you don’t have the stomach to tackle your man’s area in this way there are other ways you can lower your blood pressure. Another study found that having regular sex with a partner you lived with could lower your diastolic blood pressure, whilst another study found a link between cuddling and reduced blood pressure. So, although you shouldn’t give up on the gym altogether, ladies, it might be worth swapping your sports kit for something a little slinkier once in a while.

Sperm is a great face cream

Although it’s not a great idea to bottle your man stuff and give it to your girl as a present, it turns out that sperm contains protein, which if applied to the face has the same anti-wrinkle benefits as moisturising creams. Apparently the white stuff can tighten skin and give you a little surgery-free facelift. Interestingly, this isn’t the only benefit sperm has to offer. It also contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and fructose. Plus, if you’re still not convinced that sperm is super, a recent study in Albany found that women who had sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or did not have sex at all.

Friday, 24 April 2015

10 surprising things that improve your sex life

Crazy things that make sex better

Lots of things can improve your sex life, but some of them can be strange, scary and very surprising. Here are 10 shocking things that can make your sex life fantastic:
10 surprising things that improve your sex life

Embracing your booty

You may hate your big behind, but the chances are he secretly loves it. Although a lot of women want smaller butts, research has found that men are attracted to bigger rears because they signal a woman’s fertility.

The Swiss-ball

It turns out that the most fun piece of gym equipment around can also improve your sex life. Guys, you should do Swiss-ball press-ups, whilst girls you should use the Swiss ball to do kegels and ball squeezes. This will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.


The time when a salad was a food for girls is gone fellers, and if you want to improve your sex life you better start chomping on the green stuff. Celery releases pheromones when you eat it that turn you on, and in turn makes you more attractive to women.

Sex bans

Denying yourself for short periods will give you a great build up and when you do finally indulge, the sex will be amazing. If you can’t manage a sex ban, instead use the no-touch rule, where you can’t touch your bed buddy, unless you use a “tool”, like a scarf or a feather. 


Research suggests that the closer a couple feels to each other the more sex they have. Hugging increases your oxytocin levels – the hormone that makes us feel intimate with the person we’re hugging. So if you want more loving, get cuddling.


Although scars may make you think of pirates, apparently women love them. Men with mild facial scars were ranked as more attractive. For those guys who want a long-term girl though, scars are not the thing to go for. Women said men with scars were not marriage material.

Having another birthday

If you want better sex then it’s time to have another birthday as researchers have found that older people have better sex. They cite better body image, more confidence and a stronger relationship as being the key reasons older people have better sex.

Sucking toes

For many the thought of someone else’s feet makes them queasy, but to a lot of people feet are a big, big turn on. In fact, feet are the most popular fetish, so even if you don’t think you like your partner’s toes maybe it’s time you give them a little attention – you may be surprised. 


Not many people need an excuse to tuck into some chocolate, but if you are one of those people then remember that a few squares of dark chocolate can boost both your energy levels and your mood; in turn this will improve your sex life.

Long legs

We all know that men love long legs, but it seems women like their guys to have a giraffe-like pair of pins too. People whose legs are 5% longer than average are considered more attractive. So if you want more sex invest in some high heeled shoes.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

How To Burn Calories Fast

Thanks for reading my article and in this post I am going to show you how to burn calories fast. Let’s be honest many people are attempting to lose weight however they do not have an idea how they’re able to burn much more calories to be able to lose weight. The key to fat loss is simply by burning much more calories then you will eat. Continue reading and find out 4 calorie fat loss tips.

1. Develop muscle.
Developing muscles is among the easiest ways to reduce calories quicker. The extra muscles there are the more calories you are going to burn. There are plenty of exercises to develop your muscles but lifting weights is definitely the most effective calorie burning muscle workout.

2.  Eat modest and frequently.
Many people are only eating about three meals each day. If you want to know how to burn calories fast an individual may need to eat extra. Nutrition professionals do believe it you need to eat at the bare minimum 5 or 6 smaller but healthy and balanced meals throughout the day. Each time you eat the body begins digesting your meal and in turn it begins to burn calories fast.

3. Do intensive cardiovascular workouts.

An additional excellent method to burn calories fast is simply by doing intensive cardiovascular workout exercises. When you carry out cardio exercises correct the body will burn much more calories throughout the day. If you are engaging in high intensive cardio workouts it may be useful to invest in a heart rate monitor. These monitors not only can tell you your heart rate but will also tell you how many calories that are being burnt at any given time!

4. Eat foods that burn fat.
Yet another excellent method to burn calories fast is simply by consuming foods that burn off fat fast.  Types of fat reducing foods are foods which include vitamin c, foods full of protein and foods high in fiber. Do not eat foods that develop into fat for example ice cream, cookies, and so forth.

Now these are 4 great tips on how to burn calories fast but they may not burn calories fast. I have followed these 4 steps and they work but I wanted to burn calories even faster. For those who are wanting extreme results, you may have to combine extreme workouts, diets and supplements for the quickest and most obvious results.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

7 things that make you terrible in bed

Stress can have an impact on your sex life
How to make your sex better
Need some tips on being better in bed? Then look no further than this lesson in love. Avoid these seven things that make you terrible in bed and you’ll soon be a sex champ:
Tear jerker movies

What do you do for date night? If you tend to ditch the action movies and the raunchy flicks for soppy, tear jerkers like The Lion King, maybe you’ve found the root to your sexual problems. Sad or violent films can turn people off because they make you stressed, anxious and less aroused. Watching something hot and erotic will do the opposite and get you in the mood. Next date night, rent movies like The Secretary or American Pie.

Your boss

Ever wondered why men have more wet dreams on the weekend? Okay, so in part it’s because of that extra long lie in, but it’s also because everyone’s stress levels tend to decrease when they are away from the office. Stress is the number one, all-time nemesis to good, passionate sex. So next time you think you’re underperforming in the boudoir consider booking some time off from the nine to five slog.

Stress can have an impact on your sex life

Skipping the gym

Swapping your lycra for your lounge pants may sound like a great plan, but skipping your date with the cross-trainer could be making you terrible in bed. If you skip regular exercise your sex drive is lower, your self-confidence may be affected, plus you miss out on that great mood enhancer you get after being active. Researchers found that men who exercise for one hour three times a week have improved sexual function, more sex and better sexual satisfaction.


Smoking makes you stink. That much is obvious. What you might not have known though is that smoking also hinders the body’s blood flow, and therefore makes you less sensitive. For the guys who smoke, be warned, your erections won’t be as good. For the ladies, you may find it more difficult to have that blinding orgasm and you may even want sex less. Extinguish the cigarette, not your love life.

Your pet

Thought your dog was your best friend? Think again. That pooch might be the reason you can’t satisfy your guy or girl. According to Dr. Herbenick a dog can change people’s sleep cycle, which can affect their sex life. Also, having your dog or cat watching you in bed can be a big turn off. A surprisingly high number of people state that their pets regularly put them off getting intimate and ruin the mood for them and their partners.


You may need a pick-me-up in the morning, but if you want to impress in the bedroom guys you should skip your coffee fix and opt for a less pungent energy boost. Coffee is one of the things that make your semen taste bad. Other things to avoid are: garlic, onions and red meat. However, for the girls coffee may not be such a bad thing. According to a US study coffee could help boost women’s sex drive.

Your phone

Shockingly, one third of respondents in a TeleNav study said they would give up sex for a week rather than their phones. If you’re one of these techno geeks then just take a minute to consider how your phone habits affect your love life. As soon as you get a new message through you’ll be tempted to read it. As soon as that email arrives, you won’t be able to relax. Make sure you silence your phone before it silences your night of passion.

Sweat Couture + 10 Other Coolest Things In Fitness Right Now

Getting bored of the same old fitness classes and workouts? Never fear – the new season fitness trends are here, and they are awesome. From Sweat Couture to SoulCycle, here are 11 of the coolest things in fitness right now.
Sweat CoutureSweat Couture

Sweat Couture

Gone are the days of turning up to the gym in that raggedy cotton t-shirt you’ve had at the back of your wardrobe for 10 years. Sweat Couture the latest trend and it’s here to stay, and means people in the gym are judging you more by what you wear rather than how much you can lift.
You’ll no doubt have noticed celebs these days are being spotted out and about in the latest designer workout gear, and if you want to stay on trend you can’t go wrong in picking up some of the pieces that they’re wearing. Best of all, the majority of this Sweat Couture gear from the big brands is still highly functional for exercise, with lightweight mesh materials and vented panels to keep you cool.


Now the last time we checked, it was perfectly acceptable for men to do yoga. However, if any of you fellas feel a bit embarrassed when you tell your friends that you mastered half tortoise and downward facing dog last night, Broga is the answer.
Attend a Broga class and you’ll find that the standard yoga poses are interspersed with press-ups, squats, and core exercises designed to build strength as well as flexibility. Broga also does away with the more delicate features of yoga classes such as candles and chanting, and replaces them with a healthy dose of rock music and testosterone.

Fitness Parties

If the bar scene has never really been your thing, a fitness party could be just the ticket for the next time you want to get together with your friends. Fitness parties are offered by an increasing amount of gyms, and allow groups of people to get together to let loose and shed some sweat.
That’s not to say fitness parties are dull. Hen parties are increasingly starting to turn to fitness parties as an alternate way of having fun, with poll dancing classes being the most popular choice. And who’s to say you can’t have a sneaky few drinks afterwards to reward yourself? After all, you’ll have earned it.


Take a regular aerobics class and combine it with a rock concert, and you’ve got Pound. You’ll be given two weighted drumsticks, and be led through 45 minutes of rocking out combined with a full body cardio workout.
Fun factor aside, Pound classes are a hugely effective workout. The song order is carefully selected to replicate high intensity interval training, with playlists made up of fast paced anthems to get your heart rate up, interspersed with steadier rock songs for recovery periods throughout.

Colour Runs

Take a standard 5k run, do away with the tedium of timings and strict regulations, add in a few thousand buckets of coloured powder, and you’ve got Colour Run.
Colour Runs have just two rules that just about anyone can follow. One – start the race wearing all white. Two – finish the race covered head to toe in colour. Anyone can do it, and while a PB is far from likely, you’re guaranteed to have the time of your life.

Virtual Training

Technology has already revolutionised the world of fitness with high tech workout gadgets and a plethora of apps making exercise more fun than ever before. But now, thanks to virtual training, you don’t even need to leave your home to have a workout session with an expert.
Virtual training classes are held over video-chat platforms such as Skype, and give you a one to one class with a trainer who can see everything you’re doing and correct your form accordingly. 

Ropes Gone Wild

There’s something immensely satisfying about Ropes Gone Wild. Essentially it involves flinging two weighted ropes around in undulating wave like motions, but this deceptively simple exercise is so much more than that.
Each movement of this unique class is rooted in your core muscles and incorporates your whole body if you do it properly, making it a hugely effective workout that never gets boring.

Urban Rebounding

Your inner child is about to get the workout of a lifetime. Urban Rebounding takes traditional aerobics and adds a mini trampoline to the mix (or ‘rebounder’ if you want to use the lingo).
As well as being low impact to reduce the chance of injuries, rebounding was found to provide a better cardio workout than running in a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.


Popular with David Beckham and his soon Brooklyn, who are regularly seen attending classes together, SoulCycle takes the concept of Spinning classes and adds hand weights, body weight exercises, and a few candles dotted around the room for good measure.

Corporate Athleticism

First invented by corporate psychology gurus Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, Corporate Athleticism is a concept that fuses physical fitness with business performance.
In essence the theory is that the stronger a person is physically, the stronger their productivity at work will be.
This is something we can definitely get on board with, as it means a management consultant is now just as likely to recommend a company gym as they are a corporate restructure.


It took two years of research (probably extremely fun research mind you) to create the Ugi ball – a squishy ball of fun that takes the traditional medicine ball and makes it cool again.
The Ugi ball’s unique structure makes it perfect for a huge range of exercises, including strength training, cardio, and core workouts. Think of it like a giant stress ball – soft enough to balance on, but firm enough to be used for traditional medicine ball exercises. 

Monday, 20 April 2015

Exercising with diabetes

Introduction to exercising with diabetes

Despite the seriousness of diabetes, if you are a sufferer, a carefully controlled exercise program can significantly help your condition and improve the overall quality of your life.
In addition to the general health and fitness benefits that everyone enjoys from exercise, structured training will help your diabetes in a number of ways.

Exercising with diabetes can help:
  • Help control blood sugar
  • Help weight management
  • Help avoid further diabetes complications
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve quality of life with diabetes
So, if you suffer from this disease, follow the step-by-step guide to exercising with diabetes and improve your quality of life. This guide includes advice on:
  • How to kick-start your training program
  • Training precautions
  • Correct training protocols
  • Exercise tips

Safety first before exercise

Before you begin your exercise program there are a couple of basic precautions that you should take. Once they’re completed, you’re ready to improve your fitness.

Get a check-up before exercising

Book a check-up with your doctor to discuss your plans. Your doctor will actively support your actions and will also be able to offer you further advice pertinent to your condition.

Get a professional

Next, to maximize the benefits of your training, it is wise to link up with an exercise professional who is qualified to advise you on training with diabetes. Time spent at this stage will reap continual rewards because focusing on the correct training for you will result in faster and long-term progression.
Now you’ve got the all clear to begin exercising, follow the realbuzz step-by-step guide to preparing for your exercise sessions.

Eating before exercise

Several hours before your session, eat a high carbohydrate, low fat meal that also contains protein. The exact time will depend on your own particular rate of digestion so experiment with different eating times to find out what suits you best. The addition of protein in your meal will help the ‘slow release’ of energy as opposed to energy peaks that will upset your insulin balance.

Additional eating for exercise

Between one hour before you exercise and actually starting, you may benefit from additional carbohydrate — typically up to 15 grams. Similar to your main meal, experiment to find out what is best for you.

Energy drinks for exercise

Throughout your workout, keep a sports energy drink close at hand in case you experience hypoglycaemia. A sports drink will be rapidly absorbed and is easily portable, whether your workout takes place in the gym or outdoors.

Wear identification when exercising

Always wear identification in the form of a wrist band, necklace or similar, detailing your condition, contact details and any instructions.

Think safety when exercising

For safety reasons and as a psychological boost, advise the gym staff and friends and family that you are exercising. This is particularly important at the start of your program when your body is gearing up to the new challenge of exercise.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

What your face says about your health

Read your body’s signals

When it comes to assessing the state of your health, it may be that the answers are written all over your face. According to Chinese medicine, your face provides a wealth of information about the health of your inner organs, while orthodox medicine also relies on facial signals to help diagnose certain conditions. To start reading your body’s signals, check out these seven signs to take note of.

Health signal 1: Forehead acne

According to Chinese medicine, the forehead is closely linked to the digestive system, while the area between the eyebrows is linked to the liver. Over-indulgence of rich foods and alcohol may cause temporary spots in this area, while frequent breakouts could indicate poor nutritional habits. To help get rid of these spots, try to maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated. You may also wish to get tested for suspected food intolerances, which can affect both the liver and digestive system.
When it comes to assessing your health, it may be that the answers are written all over your face

Health signal 2: Congested cheeks

While spots on the cheeks may have simple causes such as cosmetics or unclean pillowcases, this area is also thought to be linked to the lungs. Spots in this region can therefore be indicative of respiratory distress, with smokers, asthmatics and allergy sufferers being prone to breakouts or broken capillaries on the cheeks.

Health signal 3: Spots on the chin and jaw line

Spots on the chin and jaw line are generally thought to be due to hormonal fluctuations and may appear on women at particular stages of their menstrual cycle. Persistent spots in this area, however, may be a symptom of a hormone imbalance or endocrine disorder such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, so it may be worthwhile getting your hormone levels checked if you are experiencing other symptoms such as missed periods or weight gain.

Health signal 4: Dark circles and under-eye bags

Dark circles and under-eye bags are mostly hereditary, however if you find they make a sudden appearance or get significantly worse, this may point to certain health problems. The under-eye area is thought to be linked to the kidneys, so changes here may suggest dehydration or a build-up of toxins. To counteract this, drink more water and cut down on alcohol, caffeine and salt. Alternatively, circles could be caused by anaemia, due to vitamin B12 or iron deficiencies.

Health signal 5: Unusual tongue

According to Chinese medicine your tongue is a map to your health, and orthodox medical professionals also use the tongue to identify various conditions. Anaemia (caused by a lack of iron, folate or vitamin B12) is one such condition - with symptoms of the illness including a burning, sore or red tongue. Alternatively, a blue discolouration of the tongue (cyanosis) could indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood stream, while white lesions on the tongue could be a sign of oral thrush.

Health signal 6: Excessive facial or body hair

For females suffering from excessive body or facial hair (hirsutism), this can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem. However, it can also be a symptom of an underlying endocrine disorder, which may need to be checked out. One of the most common female endocrine disorders is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - a condition which frequently results in excessive body hair as well as acne, weight gain and irregular periods.

Health signal 7: Moles

Ending on a high note, moles may often get bad press, however, providing you look after them properly (by applying sunscreen, staying out the sun and checking them regularly), moles may actually be a good sign for your health. A research team from King's College London found that those with over 100 moles have tougher bones and are less likely to develop osteoporosis, while research has also suggested that those with moles are likely to have healthier eyes and heart.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

5 health facts you don’t want to hear

Tough health truths you need to know

Healthy living is tough, especially with the amount of misleading myths and products that surround the industry. These facts might not be encouraging, but you need to know them if you are serious about living healthily. Here are the top 5 health facts you don’t want to hear.
Health facts you don't want to hear

There is no quick fix

Nowadays we are constantly bombarded with promises from the next big thing in fad dieting, with claims of ‘instant results’ or ‘dropping pounds overnight’. As much as we’d like these boasts to be true, they sadly aren’t at all. Studies actually show that fad diets result in weight gain. Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the majority of participants who went through fad diets instantly gained weight following the diet due to lowered levels of the hunger suppressing hormones peptide YY and leptin.
Science aside, ask yourself this – are you really going to keep up with those ridiculous eating habits in the long term? Diets with such severe results are 99 per cent of the time completely unrealistic, and the sooner you accept that the sooner you’ll start learning healthy eating habits that actually work.

Exercising doesn’t mean you can eat what you like

Whilst it’s true that exercising frequently means you can enjoy the odd guilt-free treat once in a while, it should by no means be an excuse to eat to excess. In half an hour of running the average person will burn around 250 calories. You can eat the equivalent amount in any range of snacks in a matter of minutes. You’ll notice these time scales don’t balance out, so if you continue to eat unhealthily you’ll soon find that the effects of exercise simply can’t keep up.
A simple way of avoiding this temptation is by counting the calories you burn and consume. Once you see how much effort you have to put in to burn off even small snacks, you’ll realise exercising isn’t a free pass to stuff your face with junk.

‘Health foods’ can be unhealthy

Many supposedly ‘healthy’ foods aren’t quite what they’re made out to be. For example, if it claims to be fat free it’s probably packed with sugar. Sugar free? You can bet it’ll be full of artificial sweeteners. Take cereal bars as an example. This popular ‘healthy’ breakfast choice can contain around four teaspoons of sugar per bar, as well as high amounts of saturated fat. A survey conducted by consumer magazine Which? showed that an alarming 97 per cent of cereal bars on the market contain added sugar.
Drinks aren’t much better either. ‘Diet’, ‘light’ and ‘sugar free’ versions of your favourite drink can seem like a great healthy alternative, but according to a study conducted at the Texas Health Science Center, people who frequently consume diet drinks are 41 per cent more likely to be overweight. It’s thought that this is because the concoction of artificial flavourings and sweeteners found in these drinks can spark the appetite, whilst simultaneously inhibiting the brain cells that tell your body it’s full.

You can’t target an area of your body to lose weight

‘Spot training’, as it’s often called, is a health myth that sadly isn’t true. Losing weight on a particular part of your body with targeted training is not a realistic goal. Yes, that’s why those thousands of crunches you’ve been doing haven’t dented your beer belly. There are plenty of studies that have proven this to be the case, including one carried out at the University of Massachusetts. Participants who ‘targeted’ their stomachs by only doing abdomen exercises were found to lose weight equally across their abdomens, upper backs and buttocks.
Instead of worrying about a certain target area when you work out, you should focus on losing weight all over your body. That means there’s no way of quickly ditching that flabby stomach other than good old-fashioned exercise and healthy eating.

Fruit and veg aren’t what they used to be

It’s a well-known fact that eating fruit and vegetables is a great way of keeping your diet healthy and nutritious. But did you know the fruit and veg available today isn’t as healthy as it once was? Go back just 50 years and you’d find fruit that is higher in six major nutrients including protein, calcium, iron and Vitamin C. This was revealed in a study at the University of Texas, with some modern-day fruits seeing as much as a 38% reduction in certain nutrients.
The researchers put this down to modern farming methods, including hybrid breeding of crops to make them larger, and the range of pesticides being used which have stripped some of the nutrients from soil. However, fruit and veg are still a great source of nutrition in your diet, so until a time machine is invented you’ll just have to make do with what we have available today.

Friday, 17 April 2015

5 ways to burn fat while you sleep

Lose weight while you slumber

Wouldn’t it be great if you could lose weight while catching a bit of shuteye? Good news – you can! Here are five handy ways you can burn fat while you’re asleep.
Burn fat while you sleep

Drink a casein shake

Whilst proteins such as whey are perfect for a post workout boost, their rapid-absorbing nature means they’re not as effective before you hit the hay. Instead, choose casein protein if you want to boost your overnight fat burning. Casein is a gradually digested protein that can take your body around six to eight hours to break down. This means your metabolism will be kept active throughout the night, and you’ll wake up feeling energetic instead of starving.
Casein’s fat burning credentials were confirmed in a Dutch study, which discovered a boost in overnight metabolic rate following consumption of the protein. Similarly, researchers at Maastricht University found that casein enhances overnight protein synthesis, which helps to repair and strengthen muscles. When you consider that every extra pound of muscle burns 30-35 calories every day, this is an added bonus of this super-protein that should not be ignored.

Sleep more

That’s right; one of the most effective ways to shift those pounds while you sleep is to quite simply get more of it. With our hectic schedules nowadays sleep is often neglected, but if you want to lose weight that needs to change. Don’t believe us? A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that overweight people on average got 16 minutes less sleep per day than their regular-weight counterparts. It doesn’t sound like very long, but over time that difference builds up.
So why does sleep help keep you slim? It’s all to do with the hormones leptin and ghrelin. Leptin helps to regulate your energy levels and keep your appetite low, while ghrelin stimulates hunger and often initiates the need to eat. The results of a study conducted at the University of Wisconsin found that participants who got more sleep had reduced ghrelin and increased leptin levels, which helped to control their appetites throughout the day.

Eat cottage cheese before bed

Eating food before bed is often seen as taboo when it comes to dieting, but this is actually dependant on what kind of food you choose. Avoiding food completely before sleeping can actually have the opposite effect, as people who wake up feeling hungry are far more likely to binge on food at breakfast. A small snack of cottage cheese before bed is a great choice as it is rich in – yep, you guessed it – casein protein.
As an added bonus cottage cheese contains the amino acid tryptophan. A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that tryptophan improves quality of sleep, and reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep. This means cottage cheese will keep hunger at bay throughout the night, and ensure you sleep for a decent amount of time. What’s not to like?

Resistance training

Whilst sleep alone is great for encourage weight loss, there are some exercises you can do before bed that will help the process along. One of the best approaches is some pre-slumber resistance training. Burning fat is all about boosting your metabolism, and resitance training is great for this. In fact, according to a journal published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, subjects who performed resistance exercises enjoyed a higher resting metabolic rate for an average of 16 hours following their workout.
This resistance training session doesn’t need to be excessive. A simple weight lifting routine will suffice, even if it doesn’t push you to the limit and leave you breathless. It’s well worth following this up with a casein shake; as mentioned earlier this will ensure consistent muscle recovery throughout the night while you sleep.

Eat small meals throughout the day

‘Eat little and often’, is a favourite tip of trainers and dieticians the world over, and you’ll be glad to hear this is a great way of boosting your nocturnal weight loss. Eating small meals frequently throughout the day serves to keep your metabolism ticking over, and will ensure your body continues burning fat throughout the night. Of course, these meals need to be healthy and nutritious for this technique to work!
As well as boosting your metabolism while you’re asleep, this frequent eating method will ensure your appetite is kept in check, which should reduce any cravings you have when you wake up in the morning.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Hypothyroidism in Women - What You Need to Know?

A doctor checks a woman’s thyroid for swelling and discomfort.
While hypothyroidism can, and does, affect both men and women, women are more likely to suffer from an underactive thyroid gland than their male peers. Furthermore, because of the differences within the male and female body, hypothyroidism can impact a woman in different ways than it impacts a male. These are the topics and issues to be addressed within this article, and they're extremely important topics and issues for women with an underactive thyroid, or women who suspect they may have one.
General Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Knowing the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and what to look for is extremely important. Because the thyroid gland regulates and/or affects so many different functions in the female body, being aware of all the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism can help you to be more aware of if or when you have an issue. It is also important to note that hypothyroidism is a slow onset condition. Instead of setting in all at once, or over a couple days like a common cold, hypothyroidism often sets in over several years.
Initial symptoms of an underactive thyroid present at tiredness or fatigue. As your condition progresses, you may experience weight gain, constipation, depression, joint or muscle pain, muscle weakness, increased cold sensitivity, heavy periods or periods that increase in duration, pale and/or dry skin, a hoarse voice, puffy skin (especially in the face), and increased fatigue.
If you're experiencing these symptoms, have your doctor test your thyroid function, as well as your bad cholesterol levels (LDL). High LDL levels are often associated with hypothyroidism, and can cause additional issues in conjunction with your underactive thyroid symptoms.
Unique Impact of Hypothyroidism on Women
In addition to the above general symptoms of hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid impacts women in some very unique ways. The thyroid gland as a great deal to do with the reproductive system of a woman, and thus, having an underactive thyroid creates a number of different reproductive and puberty issues.
The thyroid is extremely important in the regulation of puberty, and individuals that experience early or late onset of puberty are generally able to attribute that irregular onset to their thyroid levels. An underactive thyroid will cause late puberty, and may also stunt other areas of growth. Along with puberty onset, an underactive thyroid can also cause issues with the menstrual cycle, making a women's periods very heavy, or longer than usual. Hypothyroidism can also cause irregular periods, or the disappearance of periods entirely. Because of this wide variance in the impact of menstruation, it is important to seek the assistance of your gynecologist if you experience changes in your menstrual cycle, even if they seem minimal in nature, and especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms that may signal an underactive thyroid issue.
As you may expect from the impact on menstruation, hypothyroidism also causes reproductive issues in women. An underactive thyroid impacts ovulation, and may impair or prevent ovulation, thus decreasing fertility. It also increase the risk for ovarian cysts, but oddly enough, increases milk production within the breasts.
During pregnancy, slow thyroid function can harm your growing baby, as well as increase your risk for postpartum thyroid issues. In many cases, hypothyroidism during pregnancy triggers postpartum thyroiditis. If you suspect an issue with your thyroid prior to getting pregnant, be sure to have a thorough evaluation, and remedy the issue as soon as possible. If you're already pregnant, consult your doctor for treatment options that are safe for you and your baby.
As if these issues weren't enough, hypothyroidism can also cause issues with menopause, triggering early menopause in some individuals. Early menopause is considered menopause that onsets prior to, or during your early 40s. Unfortunately, after early menopause has onset, there is little you can do to stop it, and management will have to be discussed with your physician.
Hypothyroidism Treatment
Once you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, you can begin discussing treatment options with your physician. There are several different treatment and management options, and your treatment plan will depend on your preference, your doctor's preference, and the specifics on your particular condition.
The most common treatment option utilized by physicians is to prescribe replacement hormones to bring your levels back up to their normal levels. This hormone replacement generally comes in the form of a man-made thyroid hormone called T4. By taking this man-made T4, your body generally begins to produce it's own T3 (a secondary thyroid hormone produced from T4).
If your body doesn't begin to make it's own T3, your doctor may prescribe a man-made T3 hormone as well. This combination therapy will assist your body in getting back to normal, and to slowly eliminate your symptoms. In most cases, individuals who are diagnosed with hypothyroidism continue treatment with these man-made hormones for the duration of their lives. However, promise for hormone pill cessation has been shown in those who follow a thyroid and thyroid hormone healthy lifestyle, which includes a specific nutrition plan, as well as exercise