Wednesday, 4 March 2015


Cup of sugar

Another day, another study about the dangerous effects of sugar. This time, it's your teeth at stake.
Remember back in March when the World Health Organisation made headlines by reducing their sugar intake guidelines from 10% down to 5%?
Now a new study published in the BMC Public Health journal is recommending that people slash sugar intake even further - down to just 3%.
Researchers from University College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine examined public health records from countries across the world in order to look at the cost (both health and financial) of tooth decay.
What did they find?
It's not good news. According to the study, going from near-zero sugar energy intake (or calories) to 5% doubles the prevalence of decay in children. Even more shocking was the conclusion that the treatment of dental problems costs between 5% and 10% of total health expenditure. Add in the fact that sugar is the most important factor of tooth decay (making it a largely preventable disease according to researchers) and that's a lot of money that could be going elsewhere.
But giving up sugar can be hard - trust us, we know.
Sugar is basically in everything - even 0% fat yoghurt! Don't believe us?

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