How many times have you enrolled at the gym, never to go? How many times have you gone, and just lingered in the background, too ashamed to get on any of the machines, or take any of the classes?
Fortunately, you don't have to worry about exposing your bulge to the outside world anymore. Gyms are so last season, and there is a new set of effective, vibrant, and yes, enjoyable exercises that you can do in the comfort of your home!
Gone are the days of heavy equipment and that confused look that you give this apparatus when you're too embarrassed to ask for help. You can now get the benefits of a full gym workout from your living room, and you never have to neglect your cat or goldfish, or miss that episode of How I Met Your Mother ever again. These exercises can be done from any room in your house, and at any time. You simply need to commit to making a few changes, and pretty soon you will be rocking that sexy, summer body you've only ever dreamed of.
Where Do You Start?
The laws of physics do not change. Neither do the laws of physical exercise. Stretching and getting your muscles warm and ready before you proceed with any form of exercise is, therefore, a given. You cannot just throw yourself into a workout, regardless of how mild it is, and regardless of your levels of fitness. So warming up before you start is imperative, and here are a couple of ways that you can do this.
• Head Rolls - Bend your head forward, then roll it gently to the right side, then hang your head back so that you look up, and then roll your head gently to the left, before you return it to the starting position, head bent forward, eyes facing the floor. Repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat on both sides until your neck is warm and stretched.
• Shoulder Rolls - Let your arms hang gently at your side. Roll your shoulders forward for five counts, and then backward for five counts. That is one repetition. Two or three repetitions should warm up your shoulders. Try marching on the spot while you do this warm up for an overall effect.
• March On One Spot - Starting by marching on the spot, you can then march forward and then backward. Move your arms in a pumping motion up and down, and in rhythm with your steps. Keep your elbows bent, and your fists soft throughout the warm-up!
• Touch Your Toes - Let me set your mind at ease from the word go here: you will not be successful on your first try. Start by comfortably touching your knees, breathing throughout the stretch. As you exhale, you should reach for your toes until you feel a light stretch up the back of your legs. After you have gone as low as you can, come up slowly and reach for the ceiling. You should be breathing in and out until your hands are resting by your side again. Repeat! A couple of times!!!
• Knee Lifts - Stand tall, imagine you're a tree. Or a skyscraper! Bring alternate knees up, so that they touch the opposite hand. Keep your back straight throughout, and imagine that you are trying to connect your naval with your spine. Your supporting leg should be slightly bent. You should aim to complete 30 knee lifts in 30 seconds, at least!
• Knee Bends - Ten repetitions of this warm up exercise should do the trick. Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands reaching out in front of you, lower yourself about 10 cm and then slowly come up.
• Heel Digs - Keep your front foot pointing up, and place the heel of the pointing foot out in front of you. Punch out on each dig, keeping your supporting leg bent slightly throughout the exercise.
• Hundreds - After you have lowered yourself to about 10 cm, as you did for knee bends; stretch both hands out in front of you. With your hands facing the floor, do one hundred pulses, before you raise yourself back up to standing. It helps to do this exercise with your back against a wall. Just one set is enough. Maintain a naval to spine connection throughout the exercise.
These are just a few warm-ups, but they are sufficient to get you warmed up and ready for the real workout. Depending on your level of fitness, once you have completed the exercises above, you will feel like you have already had a solid workout. It is, however, only the beginning.
Areas of focus are your core, butt, and legs, as these are the most common problem areas for anyone. Male or female, we could all do with a firmer butt, a more toned midsection, and killer legs. The following Stomach, Glut, and Leg Exercises are some of the most effective around. You can also do them while you catch up with your soapies or that series you just haven't been able to get to!
The great thing about leg and butt exercises is that they usually work together. So, when you do one exercise, say, for your legs, it automatically benefits the other muscle growing out of where your legs meet just below your waist. Stomach exercises, however, are usually done in isolation. You can fit all these exercises into one routine, however.
After you warm up, you will be ready for the hard part. And the next part is just that, HARD!
Scintillating Squats:
For a firmer butt and thighs, then you will be hard-pressed to find a better exercise. It might help you to do this exercise using a firm dining room chair to begin with. Stand in front of the chair, almost like you are about to take a seat. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, and you can relax your arms at your side or stretch them out in front of you for extra balance. Lower yourself from the knees, bending them until they form a right angle, or until your butt touches the chair. DO NOT SIT DOWN ON THE CHAIR! Imagine instead that there is a fire in the seat, and as soon as you touch it, come back up to standing. You should feel the effects of this after about two sets of 24. Feel free to do more!
Languid Lunges!
This exercise is also very good for firming your Gluteus Maximus and your thighs. Imagine you are going to do the splits, right leg forward, and left leg back. Lower yourself into a lunge, until both your legs form 90-degree angles. With your weight firmly in your heels, slowly come back to begin, or the split stance. Maintain a naval to spine connection throughout, with your back straight. Never place your knees over your toes. Repeat this 24 times for each leg.
Raising Cane (oops, Calves)
Standing straight, move slowly onto your toes. Without locking your legs, lift the heels off the ground. Then, lower your heels slowly back to the ground again. For added resistance, try doing this exercise with light weights in your hands. About 24 reps should do!
Building Bridges
Lying on your back, you bend your knees. Keep your heels close to your butt and bring your hips up off the floor until a straight line forms from your knees to your shoulders. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, and they should also be kept flat on the floor. Squeeze your butt as you come up, and maintain a constant naval to spine connection. Do at least two sets of 20 reps each, and try not to let your knees point outwards!
Stomach Crunch Time
Still on your back, bend your knees, keeping your hands behind your ears. Your lower back should be kept pressed into the floor as you raise your shoulder blades about 3 inches off the floor. Lower them slowly. Avoid tucking your neck into your chest on the upward movement, and never use your hands to pull up your neck! At least two sets of 24 reps each should suffice!
Oblique What?
On your back, knees bent and together, lift your feet off the floor. With the right hand behind the right ear, you extend your left arm out. The lower back should be pressed into the floor as you lift your shoulder blades off the floor, curling the upper body diagonally across the chest towards your left knee. Lower down slowly. One set of 24 on each side will create a serious burn. Burning is very good!
Back Raises
This exercise helps a lot with your posture. You lie chest-down on the floor, placing your hands at your temples. You can extend your hands out for more of a challenge. Keep your legs together, and your feet raised off the ground. Raise your shoulders off the floor, about 3 inches, and then slowly lower them down. Keep your neck long and your eyes to the ground as you do two sets of 24 reps each.
Cooling Things Down!
Cooling down should take you at least five minutes, but you can take all the time you need to recover. If you cannot do all of them at one sitting, don't worry, it will get better. You just need to be committed, and know that you will reap what you sow.
The most effective cooling down exercises are those that involve stretching. You will feel like you have reset your internal clock, and that you have prepared your body adequately for recovery after exercise. Caring for your body in this way will ensure that it will carry you well through this life, and look good doing it too.
Here are a few suggestions:
• The Buttock Stretch - Held for 15 seconds, you lie on the floor, your knees to your chest. You then cross your legs, right over your left thigh, clasping your hands around the back of your left thigh. You then slowly pull your left leg towards your chest and hold for 15 seconds. Repeat for the other leg.
• Hamstring Stretch - Still lying on the floor, you raise your right leg, left leg bent with your left foot placed firmly on the floor. Then you pull your right leg towards yourself, keeping it straight all the time. Hold it closer to your thigh and not at your knee.
• Thigh Stretch - Still on the floor, you lie on your right side. Holding the top of your left foot, you pull this foot gently towards the left buttock. Keeping the knees touching, this stretches the front of the thigh. Repeat on the other side.
• Inner Thigh Stretch - Sitting down on the ground, keep your back straight. Then you bend your knees, touching the soles of your feet together. With your hands firmly on your feet, lower your knees towards the ground.
• Calf Stretch - Keeping your left leg straight, step forward on your right leg, keeping it bent and leaned forward slightly. Lift your heel off the ground, although this should happen naturally. Now try to place your left heel back on the ground. Repeat for your other heel.
So you see, you don't need the gym at all. You do not need that fancy equipment that they advertize on TV to get a real workout too. You just need to be comfortable, and have a bit of space, about the length of your body, and you're good to go.
There is no need for those awkward shower scenes anymore or that unnecessary pressure to 'do something' every time someone throws a gaze your way. Just put in your favorite CD or DVD, roll out a yoga mat (entirely optional), have some water and a towel handy, and start working your way to the body of your dreams.
Again, don't expect to be able to do all these exercises the first time, and that is quite alright. You just start, make the first move, and keep on going once you've started. Soon enough, you will be doing them like a pro. They will become second nature to you, and you will start to see the rewards, and feel them, in no time.!-(Stomach,-Glut,-and-Leg-Exercises-You-Can-Do-At-Home!)&id=8826463
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