I've not always been one for alternative medicine. OK, I'm stopping myself right there already. "Alternative Medicine" - it sounds so weird to say that. Basically ANYTHING that doesn't involve drugs or invasive surgery is considered "alternative"!! How dumb is that?! It's amazing how we've been conditioned to think that putting chemicals into your body is the normal thing and doing things naturally is alternative.
Anyway, I digress. It's been a great winter in New Zealand for many reasons. One of those reasons is that for the first time ever I've not gotten sick through these cold months - at all! What do I put this down to? Well... The simple fact is that I have a lemon tree in my front yard which has been yielding a TON of fruit this year. I've taken this with an immense amount of gratitude every time I've relieved the tree of some big lemons and taken them into the kitchen to juice them. Now, as I write this, I'm filled with even more gratitude knowing the massive benefit this tree has given me and my daughters.
Every single day for the last few months, I've started every day by juicing 3-4 lemons and drinking that enzyme filled juice in warm water with a little honey. Not only is that cleansing for the body, the Vitamin C is great for immunity, the enzymes help the body's chemistry AND... this was surprising for me to find out... lemons are alkaline, not acidic and the body's tendency for health is to be alkaline. Disease cannot live in an alkaline body - it has no chance at all!
On to of all that (if that wasn't enough) having a big glass of water as soon as you rise in the morning, with some lemon if you like, is amazing for hydrating and cleansing the bowel. Most people don't know that the bowel, your large intestine, is critical to the health of your entire body. The bowel is a major part of the whole immune system and it readily rids the body of anything that isn't meant to be there. It's not just for eliminating waste products from digestion, it gets rid of ALL the bad stuff. So bowel health is critical.
So I hope from reading that you'll understand how a big glass of water which contains the juice of 3-4 lemons is one of the best ways you can start the day. After that's soaked in, which doesn't take long, you can knock yourself out on coffee or tea or whatever else. I know that stuff isn't great for you as the coffee leaches water out of your system, but I love a coffee in the morning too, I just figure that what goes in first sets you up for the day. If that first thing is just a strong coffee with sugar and toast with jam or something like that, all your doing is cramming in acidic foods that feed the bugs and contribute to illness. You can make a small change now to combat that. Please, do something for you body and make what I've told you a new habit. Can't hurt right?
Your body can heal itself if it's given the right tools to use. The body is fully equipped to heal any illness it's presented with - the problem is, if we feed it crap fuel, then it has nothing to work with. It's like putting crappy gasoline into your car - it's not going to get very far and you're going to cause permanent damage. Simple theory right - but it DOES apply to our bodies too.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kieron_Atkinson
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