Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Depression and Loss of Sex Drive: The Inbound Relation!

Depression and loss of sex drive do go hand in hand. This is because depression can interfere with special brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. When the balance of these neurotransmitters are upset in any way, they do tend to become unbalanced and this is what causes a loss of sex drive.
Does taking anti-depressants for depression cause sexual problems?
Despite the fact that anti-depressants are very good when it comes to boosting mood and a sense of self worth. There are some forms of anti-depressants out there that can actually cause sexual issues. These type of anti-depressants are known as being SSRIs and they happen to have side effects that no one does want. These SSRIs are something that can result in sexual problems.
What are some sexual problems that are associated with anti-depressants?
Some of the sexual problems that are associated with anti-depressants do include the following. They are the inability to start, initiate, or even enjoy sexual contact. A marked decrease in desire to have any sex. An inability to keep and maintain an orgasm. Also, it can cause erectile dysfunction in men, which is more popularly known as being ED in the media.
How are sexual problems treated with depression?
Those who have sexual problems and depression are treated with the best treatment plan possible. Some of these problems are addressed by using newer anti-depressant medications that aren't know for dampening the libido or may even prescribe a patient this newer anti-depressant drug to take along with another form of prescribed medication. Sex problems that are in connection with depression are treated with the method that the doctor does think will help solve the issue the most from the start.
Is sex an anti-depressant or what is it?
The relationship between sex and depression is indeed a very complex one. Because on one hand, depression can steal your sex drive, and it can also take away your motivation among other things. It can also reduce any desire that you once did have to be attractive, as well. Sex, on the other hand, can boost your mood up and shield you from feeling anything negative about yourself that may be associated with depression trying to sneak in on you. Therefore, it only makes sense with the study on semen, and this study does indicate that being exposed to semen can actually help one to fight depression. This is because semen does have mood boosting hormones and other chemical compounds that are good for people to experience.
Can depression medication lower your sex drive at all?
Having chronic depression can affect any part of your life and this does include your sex life. Depression can most certainly curb your sex drive. The very same can be said about some medicines that can curb libido in the very same way. Therefore, one must remember that despite all this, sex is the one thing that can truly boost your mood up instead of down. So, with this said, don't stop having sex simply because you don't feel like it. You should still try to maintain a want for sex because it is very important to the foundation of one's relationships with significant others or partner. Don't stop your depression treatment at all. However, don't let go of the sex part of your life, as it is the very thing you do need to make your life happy and content with someone you do love.
Is a low sex drive a sign of depression for sure?
Low sex drive can be a sign of many things in general. However, it is very possible, that it could be a sign of underlying depression that a person is not aware that they do have. Depression is not something that does show itself right away. It can gradually sneak up on an individual in some instances. So, with this said, it is indeed a distinct possibility that it could indicate depression. However, it may also be a symptom of something else, as low sex drive can have lots of causes other than just depression.
There is a connection between depression and loss of sex drive unfortunately. However, this connection doesn't have to be a bad thing, and it can be treated successfully, which does bring lots of promise to those who have been diagnosed with some form of depression. Sex drive is lost whenever depression is around, but the good thing is this, when the depression is treated with the right medication or course of treatment that does work. The desire for sex will return in time.!&id=8666420

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