Monday, 3 November 2014

Leaving Obesity Behind To Be Nutrition Empowered

Obesity has been a global epidemic over the last 10-20 years in its making, as people are constantly afforded the many types of foods that are considered fattening and/or unhealthy for overall consumption. The epidemic has gotten so bad as to now be greatly affecting children. This certainly proves that the physical and mental condition can happen to anyone, as it does not discriminate. What time can be better than now to become empowered by proper nutrition?
There are many types of harmful body effects that can result from the body becoming overweight. Excessive fat resulting in obesity is known to cause diseases like: diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and even cancer. All of these diseases can be life-threatening if not remedied through proper dieting. Proper dieting involves healthy eating choices by the consumption of food known to possess high nutrition values. Exercise also plays a key role in achieving bodily health benefits.
Foods that are known to have high nutrition values are foods like, raw vegetables and fruits high in antioxidants, fiber, and potassium. Antioxidants benefit the body by removing what science has identified as "free radicals," which are simply harmful molecules produced within the body during the body's biological processes. Antioxidants counter/remove such free radicals as they are produced by the body.
Fiber is another important nutrition factor for the body. Natural fibers are types of fibers that interact with the biology of the human body. These types of fibers are found in various foods like: whole grain foods (cereal, wheat bread, etc.), vegetables, and fruits. They benefit the body throughout the body's metabolic process (or the breaking down of food) and they help to turn food into energy for the body. Fiber is also known to help foods process in the digestive tract within the body, for easier expulsion (exiting) from the colon.

Potassium is another healthy benefactor for the body and the body's biological processes. It is an element found in nature and is identified by the letter "K" in the scientific 'Table of Elements'. Potassium is known to build in the cells of plants. Vegetables and fresh fruits are known to be a very good source of it for dietary functions and proper nutrition.
If a proper, healthy diet is sustained by the continued consumption of health-benefiting foods like vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, then obesity can be prevented. People (both children and adults alike) need to make conscious, healthier choices when it comes to eating habits. All too often, temptation of the many, diversified food choices offered in a thriving food industry, can heavily influence bodily senses to crave what is not necessarily good for the body. A bad diet, stemmed from bad eating habits, can cause serious risks to one's health. It is 'personal choice' to become nutrition empowered, while remaining conscious enough, to simply stay away from unhealthy eating thus contributing to leaving obesity behind

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