Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Dealing With Detox Symptoms

Green Tea
Detox... we hear the term being mentioned a lot in casual talk. Be it weight loss, cosmetic issues or digestive problems, detox seems to be the oft suggested solution. All said and done, what does detox actually mean and how does it impact the body.
Detox is a cleansing process. It expels toxins from your body system. This is done either by switching to a complete raw and vegan diet, fasting, adopting special diets, using herbal and vitamin remedies and supplements and colon hydrotherapy.
What are the symptoms you might experience?
While detox is very beneficial to the body in the long run, it may take a toll on your health initially, in the form of immediate side effects. It is normal and you shouldn't get worried if your condition deteriorates. Symptoms are in fact an indication that the process is working and that the body has started cleansing itself. The symptoms last for 1-3 days after which they begin to subside.
When you start detoxing the body, you can expect any of the following symptoms. There is a general feeling of lethargy. You might suffer headaches and muscles aches and pains. Skin breakouts are common and disturbing symptoms. One might experience gas and bloating as a consequence of doubling intake of fruits and vegetables. There might be constipation or diarrhea. You may experience unexplained irritability, difficulty sleeping and general discomfort.
How to deal with detox symptoms?
The discomfort can really leave you in low spirits, but there are ways to cope with the situation without letting it affect you.
First things first, do not let these unpleasant symptoms discourage you. It is instinctive to suppress them with medication, but in doing so you will only be adding more toxins to the body thereby making it harder for the body to self-cleanse itself. Hence, avoid taking any kind of medication. Also, do not stop the detoxification process midway.
When it comes to coping with detox symptoms, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. An increased amount of fluid supports the body's natural ability to flush out toxins. If you do not drink water otherwise it is fine, but during the detoxification process you should at least have 8-10 glasses of water. Drink filtered water and not water obtained directly collected from the tap. If water is too plain for your palate, you can include juices and herbal teas in your daily diet. These fluids will not only help get rid of toxins but also provide essential nutrients and minerals needed to reduce discomfort and lethargy.
As far as food is concerned, swap heavy meals with light, easy to digest meals. Eat foods rich in fiber as fiber is a primary dietary element that enables the body to eliminate solid waste, naturally. One can also use supplements to cleanse the stomach, colon and kidneys.
The body perfectly engineered. It gives you signals when it is hungry and when it is tired. You should pay heed to these signals to promote health and well being. Thus, if you're feeling tired and low, rest. Take a nap or listen to soothing music. Meditation helps cope with stress and mood-swings that might develop during detoxification. You can also perform light exercises.

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