Monday, 27 October 2014

Burn Up Your Body Fat and Rev Up Your Metabolism

As a woman in my 40's I can be honest and tell you that getting older "Really Sucks!" Your metabolism starts to slow down, menopausal symptoms set in, your Doctor tells you at a routine visit that your thyroid isn't working correctly, and you have a Vitamin D3 deficiency. All of these medical indicators prevent weight loss and promote weight gain-Wonderful!
So What Can We Do To Maintain a Healthy Weight?
One of the first things I would recommend to anyone who has gained a large amount of weight in a 2-3 year time frame is to make an appointment with your family physician and have your Thyroid checked and Vitamin D3 levels tested. These two medical conditions can wreak havoc on your metabolism-slowing it down to a turtle crawl and that's not going to promote a healthy weight loss no matter how many diets you try.
In addition, who wants to waste money on a diet or weight loss supplement-if there is No Way you are going to lose weight. So take a moment-make an appointment with your Doctor and get tested for these medical conditions. I am only suggesting this because this is EXACTLY what happened to me. Once my thyroid was working correctly and a started taking Vitamin D3 gel capsule daily- I knew I had a chance to lose weight and get back to my healthy-happy self!
Tune Up Your Metabolism
Your metabolism can slow down for many reasons, such as; aging, from foods that you consume; like fast foods and foods that are processed, hypothyroidism, vitamin d deficiency, just to mention a few. Don't get discouraged-- all hope is not lost! There are some things that you can do to kick start your metabolism and wake it up.
Believe it or not movement and moderate exercise is essential to your metabolism functioning correctly after a certain age. I am not suggesting in any way that you need to go out and purchase a gym membership or one of those intense -almost impossible to do work out videos. What I am suggesting is taking daily walks and increasing the distant weekly, parking further away from the door when you go shopping, utilizing the stairs instead of an elevator. All very simple and inexpensive ways to add movement into your life and trust me your metabolism will know and thank you-- and in a few weeks you will notice the difference.
A Healthy Diet and Drinking Water:
When most people think about a healthy diet they associate it with foods that are tasteless, bland, and expensive. It is true that purchasing processed foods is inexpensive, but at what cost? Adding foods high in protein to your diet like chicken, fish, and lean cuts of meat can boost your metabolism and promote healthy weight loss. By eliminating or moderating foods from your diet such as; fried foods, white carbohydrates, processed foods, and foods with a high sugar content will reduce the chances of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It will also increase your ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of water has been scientifically proven to increase weight loss and boost your metabolism. So, before you ask "what about flavored water?" If you make it yourself-sure! Most of the ones at your grocer, even though they say 0 calories have ingredients that can sabotage weight loss efforts.
There are several healthy websites that have easy flavored water recipes that are healthy, tasty, and inexpensive. It only takes a moment to search "Healthy Water Recipes."
And lastly, breakfast. I have to be honest I hate breakfast! And I know as a certified nutritionist that I should eat at least a 400 calorie breakfast to boost my metabolism. I had to find an alternative solution that was high in protein and healthy calories to start each and every day and keep my metabolism going strong. My solution, a peanut butter protein smoothie. It's very simple to make. Here is the recipe.
Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie
½ Cup of all natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon shredded (raw coconut)
1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)
Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until smooth and creamy. You can also add ice if you want. I sometimes also add a ½ cup of black coffee or use coconut milk.

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