Saturday, 25 October 2014

11 Best Fitness Tips of All Time

Fitness tips can be a bit faddy. Experts and trainers are constantly trying to come up with new and innovative ways to whip your body into shape. However, these 11 best fitness tips have been tried and tested. They may be classics, but they are classics because they work. Give them a go and you’ll be able to burn more fat, build more muscle and transform your body:
11 best fitness tips of all time

Burn fat

To burn fat you need to do some interval training sessions. Not only are they time-efficient, interval training sessions are also great for burning fat because they make your body use up its carb stores, which in turn makes your body use fat for energy. Plus, even after you have finished your interval session your body continues to burn calories. Win, win.

Build more muscle

If you’re used to strength training and you want to build more muscle you need to incorporate drop sets into your workout. This involves lifting weights until you experience muscle failure and then, using a lighter weight, you continue to do the same exercise. For example, complete one set of between six to 12 reps with a heavy weight, then without resting switch to a weight that’s lighter for the second set. Finally, without taking a break switch to an even lighter weight to complete your final set.

Mental power

You may be physically fit, but if you haven’t worked on your mental strength you won’t be able to fulfil your fitness potential. To toughen up mentally, become very aware of your internal dialogue. If a negative thought pops into your head, such as ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I’m too tired’, try to replace it with a positive one.

Don’t forget agility

So many people underestimate agility. If you are agile you will be able to perform better during your workout and get better results. The time you spend improving your agility will be well worth it. To work on your agility the American Council of Exercise suggests you do ladder drills, balloon drills, cone drills and medicine ball drills.

Weights on the treadmill

To save time and to give your body a tough workout take a pair of dumbbells onto the treadmill. Set the speed of the treadmill to a fast walk and then do some upper body exercises, such as lateral raises and shoulder presses.

The right time to train

The right time of the day to train is controversial. Some people say that if you train in the morning, before your breakfast, then you burn more fat. Other people say that if you work out in the evening you perform better compared to if you worked out earlier in the day. Christian Finn, a personal trainer and the creator of Muscle Evo, suggests that the right time of the day to train depends on you, your fitness goals and whether you are a morning or evening person. Christian suggests that whatever time of the day works for you is the best time for you to train. Simple.

Video diary

You know that if you are going to continue to work out you need to continually boost your motivation levels. A great way to do this is to start a video diary. Record your thoughts and feelings about your body and your performance.
If one of the reasons you want to get fit is to change the way your body looks, you could also take some full body shots of yourself. That way, when you look back through your video diary you can really see the results you have achieved. It’s also really interesting to see how your thoughts about yourself, your body and your performance have changed over time.

Eat these foods

We all know that if we’re going to achieve our fitness goals we need to have a balanced diet that meets all of our nutrition needs. When looking for the best way to do this it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of diet information that is out there. However, if you try to incorporate foods that are the most nutrient dense and the least processed into your diet, you will probably be getting a very decent, healthy and balanced diet.

Improve recovery

Lots of people who are very fit often tend to skip or skimp on their recovery. But if you don’t allow your body to recover properly, you won’t continue to progress and you also might pick up a nasty injury too. To allow your body to recover properly, follow the three ‘Rs’ – rehydrate, refuel and rest.

Intensify your go-to exercises

If you always do push-ups, intensify the exercise and do a squat-thrust push-up instead. If you love doing crunches, hold a medicine ball whilst you complete some of your ab workouts. Tweaking your go-to exercises in this way will ensure you continue to challenge your body and reap the rewards of your training sessions.

Mix things up

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to keep fit is that they stick to the same workouts. If you’re guilty of doing this you need to mix things up. Use different machines in the gym, join a new class or try a new sport.
Try new things regularly or tweak the exercises you currently do so that you can continue to get fitter. Mixing things up will also keep you focused and will help you to enjoy exercising more.

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