Friday, 31 October 2014

10 Foods All Men Should Eat

10 essential foods for male health

A varied, balanced diet is the cornerstone of healthy living for everyone, yet healthy eating can sometimes mean different things depending on your gender. While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are 10 foods all men should eat.

Food for men 1: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are possibly one of the best "superfoods" around, and the popular fruit has particular benefits for men. Studies have suggested that the lycopene found in tomatoes may reduce risk of colorectal cancer, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease; the leading cause of death in men. Research has also shown that men who frequently eat foods rich in lycopene may drastically reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.
Eating blueberries can reduce men's risk of prostate cancer and heart disease

Food for men 2: Blueberries

Blueberries are another fruit that have been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer, thanks to their high levels of proanthocyanidins. However, blueberries' positive benefits for men don't stop there, as studies have also suggested that blueberries may be effective in reducing risk of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and age-related memory loss; a condition more prevalent in men than women.

Food for men 3: Brazil nuts

Snacking on nuts is great for heart health and good skin. However, Brazil nuts are particularly beneficial for men as they are packed with selenium; a powerful antioxidant which studies have suggested can boost sperm health and motility. Furthermore, selenium is also great for lowering "bad" cholesterol levels, preventing blood clots and lifting your mood.

Food for men 4: Broccoli

Broccoli - along with other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and sprouts - contains a strong cancer-fighting chemical, sulphoraphane, which research has suggested may reduce men's risk of developing bladder cancer (a cancer more commonly affecting women than men), prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

Food for men 5: Oysters

Oysters are the highest natural source of zinc; an essential requirement for men's fertility and sexual health. Zinc not only helps to maintain healthy testosterone levels in men, but it is essential for healthy sperm production.  On top of this, zinc deficiency may be responsible for hair loss in men, so an increased intake may benefit men's appearance as well as health.

Food for men 6: Whole grains

Whole grains are great for our health thanks to their high levels of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Most whole grains, including brown rice and oats, are particularly rich in B vitamins, which are good for general wellbeing and can also help alleviate depression. Individual B vitamins can also benefit male health in various ways. Studies have suggested that folate (vitamin B9) can keep sperm healthy, while biotin (B7) may help hair loss. Silica, also present in whole grains, could also help with healthy hair growth.
Eating whole grains can help improve male fertility and reduce hair loss

Food for men 7: Eggs

For men suffering from hair loss, eggs may also provide the perfect solution. Eggs are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for hair growth, as well as being rich in biotin (vitamin B7). Egg yolks are also a good source of iron, which some studies have suggested can alleviate hair loss, which can be caused by anemia.

Food for men 8: Pomegranate juice

Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and research has suggested that drinking the juice of this "superfood" can help lower cholesterol - which can be high in many men as young as their 20s - and prevent hypertension. A study has also found that drinking just one 8oz glass of pomegranate juice a day could dramatically slow down the progress of prostate cancer.

Food for men 9: Garlic

Garlic is well known for boosting heart health, and a study on the effects of garlic consumption on males has shown that regularly eating garlic could help lower men's cholesterol levels. Furthermore, research findings published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have suggested that regularly eating garlic and onions could help lower men's risk of developing prostate cancer.

Food for men 10: Salmon

Salmon is not only a great source of protein, but it is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help address many of men's most common health complaints. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to lowered levels of "bad" cholesterol and can also reduce risk of many illnesses, including heart disease, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and depression.

Reduce Fat Fat With These Foods

Image result for images of foodImage result for images of foodImage result for images of food

While babies look adorable with chubby cheeks and a full face, the look is usually not ideal in adults. The good side is that you can reduce the face fat by eating the right foods. Here are some of the best foods that you should eat:
It has plenty of whole grains and a lot of fiber. The whole grains ensure that there is no fat deposited on your body while fiber aids in increasing the rate of metabolism and as a result you easily burn fat. For ideal results you should avoid high sugar processed oatmeal.
The good side with oatmeal is that it's easy to prepare. You can also add other ingredients in order to add taste to it. For example, you can add natural sweetener, berries, and cinnamon to make your oatmeal tastier.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolates have a lot of antioxidants and a stimulant that plays a major role in burning the facial fat. You should be cautious when buying the chocolate. As rule of thumb you should buy chocolate with more than 78% of cocoa.
Nuts make you feel satisfied and full for a long time. The nuts are also usually saturated with nourishing face fat burning minerals and fats. Some of the best nuts that you should go for are: walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, and flax seeds. To ensure that you are buying the right nuts you should ensure that you buy them from a reputable seller.
Wild salmon
It contains a lot of protein and omega 3 fatty acids which play a major role in burning the facial fat. Research has shown that many people who struggle to burn fat tend to lack omega-3 in their bodies; therefore, adding wild salmon adds the fatty acids in the diet thus you easily lose weight. To get the full benefits of the wild salmon you only need to add it in your food.
Greek yogurt
The regular yogurts are not good for you because they tend to have a lot of sugar that results to a bulging face. You should avoid these yogurts and instead take Greek yogurt which is more natural. For ideal results you should ensure that the yogurt is plain; it's not flavored at all.
These are some of the foods that you should take in order to reduce face fat. In addition to taking these foods, you should also engage in regular exercises.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Burn Up Your Body Fat and Rev Up Your Metabolism

As a woman in my 40's I can be honest and tell you that getting older "Really Sucks!" Your metabolism starts to slow down, menopausal symptoms set in, your Doctor tells you at a routine visit that your thyroid isn't working correctly, and you have a Vitamin D3 deficiency. All of these medical indicators prevent weight loss and promote weight gain-Wonderful!
So What Can We Do To Maintain a Healthy Weight?
One of the first things I would recommend to anyone who has gained a large amount of weight in a 2-3 year time frame is to make an appointment with your family physician and have your Thyroid checked and Vitamin D3 levels tested. These two medical conditions can wreak havoc on your metabolism-slowing it down to a turtle crawl and that's not going to promote a healthy weight loss no matter how many diets you try.
In addition, who wants to waste money on a diet or weight loss supplement-if there is No Way you are going to lose weight. So take a moment-make an appointment with your Doctor and get tested for these medical conditions. I am only suggesting this because this is EXACTLY what happened to me. Once my thyroid was working correctly and a started taking Vitamin D3 gel capsule daily- I knew I had a chance to lose weight and get back to my healthy-happy self!
Tune Up Your Metabolism
Your metabolism can slow down for many reasons, such as; aging, from foods that you consume; like fast foods and foods that are processed, hypothyroidism, vitamin d deficiency, just to mention a few. Don't get discouraged-- all hope is not lost! There are some things that you can do to kick start your metabolism and wake it up.
Believe it or not movement and moderate exercise is essential to your metabolism functioning correctly after a certain age. I am not suggesting in any way that you need to go out and purchase a gym membership or one of those intense -almost impossible to do work out videos. What I am suggesting is taking daily walks and increasing the distant weekly, parking further away from the door when you go shopping, utilizing the stairs instead of an elevator. All very simple and inexpensive ways to add movement into your life and trust me your metabolism will know and thank you-- and in a few weeks you will notice the difference.
A Healthy Diet and Drinking Water:
When most people think about a healthy diet they associate it with foods that are tasteless, bland, and expensive. It is true that purchasing processed foods is inexpensive, but at what cost? Adding foods high in protein to your diet like chicken, fish, and lean cuts of meat can boost your metabolism and promote healthy weight loss. By eliminating or moderating foods from your diet such as; fried foods, white carbohydrates, processed foods, and foods with a high sugar content will reduce the chances of heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. It will also increase your ability to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Drinking eight 8 ounce glasses of water has been scientifically proven to increase weight loss and boost your metabolism. So, before you ask "what about flavored water?" If you make it yourself-sure! Most of the ones at your grocer, even though they say 0 calories have ingredients that can sabotage weight loss efforts.
There are several healthy websites that have easy flavored water recipes that are healthy, tasty, and inexpensive. It only takes a moment to search "Healthy Water Recipes."
And lastly, breakfast. I have to be honest I hate breakfast! And I know as a certified nutritionist that I should eat at least a 400 calorie breakfast to boost my metabolism. I had to find an alternative solution that was high in protein and healthy calories to start each and every day and keep my metabolism going strong. My solution, a peanut butter protein smoothie. It's very simple to make. Here is the recipe.
Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie
½ Cup of all natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon shredded (raw coconut)
1 cup of almond milk (unsweetened)
Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until smooth and creamy. You can also add ice if you want. I sometimes also add a ½ cup of black coffee or use coconut milk.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

11 Best Fitness Tips of All Time

Fitness tips can be a bit faddy. Experts and trainers are constantly trying to come up with new and innovative ways to whip your body into shape. However, these 11 best fitness tips have been tried and tested. They may be classics, but they are classics because they work. Give them a go and you’ll be able to burn more fat, build more muscle and transform your body:
11 best fitness tips of all time

Burn fat

To burn fat you need to do some interval training sessions. Not only are they time-efficient, interval training sessions are also great for burning fat because they make your body use up its carb stores, which in turn makes your body use fat for energy. Plus, even after you have finished your interval session your body continues to burn calories. Win, win.

Build more muscle

If you’re used to strength training and you want to build more muscle you need to incorporate drop sets into your workout. This involves lifting weights until you experience muscle failure and then, using a lighter weight, you continue to do the same exercise. For example, complete one set of between six to 12 reps with a heavy weight, then without resting switch to a weight that’s lighter for the second set. Finally, without taking a break switch to an even lighter weight to complete your final set.

Mental power

You may be physically fit, but if you haven’t worked on your mental strength you won’t be able to fulfil your fitness potential. To toughen up mentally, become very aware of your internal dialogue. If a negative thought pops into your head, such as ‘I can’t do this’ or ‘I’m too tired’, try to replace it with a positive one.

Don’t forget agility

So many people underestimate agility. If you are agile you will be able to perform better during your workout and get better results. The time you spend improving your agility will be well worth it. To work on your agility the American Council of Exercise suggests you do ladder drills, balloon drills, cone drills and medicine ball drills.

Weights on the treadmill

To save time and to give your body a tough workout take a pair of dumbbells onto the treadmill. Set the speed of the treadmill to a fast walk and then do some upper body exercises, such as lateral raises and shoulder presses.

The right time to train

The right time of the day to train is controversial. Some people say that if you train in the morning, before your breakfast, then you burn more fat. Other people say that if you work out in the evening you perform better compared to if you worked out earlier in the day. Christian Finn, a personal trainer and the creator of Muscle Evo, suggests that the right time of the day to train depends on you, your fitness goals and whether you are a morning or evening person. Christian suggests that whatever time of the day works for you is the best time for you to train. Simple.

Video diary

You know that if you are going to continue to work out you need to continually boost your motivation levels. A great way to do this is to start a video diary. Record your thoughts and feelings about your body and your performance.
If one of the reasons you want to get fit is to change the way your body looks, you could also take some full body shots of yourself. That way, when you look back through your video diary you can really see the results you have achieved. It’s also really interesting to see how your thoughts about yourself, your body and your performance have changed over time.

Eat these foods

We all know that if we’re going to achieve our fitness goals we need to have a balanced diet that meets all of our nutrition needs. When looking for the best way to do this it can be easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of diet information that is out there. However, if you try to incorporate foods that are the most nutrient dense and the least processed into your diet, you will probably be getting a very decent, healthy and balanced diet.

Improve recovery

Lots of people who are very fit often tend to skip or skimp on their recovery. But if you don’t allow your body to recover properly, you won’t continue to progress and you also might pick up a nasty injury too. To allow your body to recover properly, follow the three ‘Rs’ – rehydrate, refuel and rest.

Intensify your go-to exercises

If you always do push-ups, intensify the exercise and do a squat-thrust push-up instead. If you love doing crunches, hold a medicine ball whilst you complete some of your ab workouts. Tweaking your go-to exercises in this way will ensure you continue to challenge your body and reap the rewards of your training sessions.

Mix things up

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they are trying to keep fit is that they stick to the same workouts. If you’re guilty of doing this you need to mix things up. Use different machines in the gym, join a new class or try a new sport.
Try new things regularly or tweak the exercises you currently do so that you can continue to get fitter. Mixing things up will also keep you focused and will help you to enjoy exercising more.

Friday, 24 October 2014

The Fight To Get Fit

Have you had many struggles over the years losing weight and getting into shape? Let's face it, losing 30, 50, 80, 100+ pounds may be terribly difficult to accomplish especially if you have trouble controlling what you eat and getting a regular form of exercise.
This entire process can be thought of as a fight to get fit.
When you're just starting out, it can seem like an enormous task that will never be achieved which is one reason why so many people quit within days of beginning. To lose substantial amount of weight takes focus and dedication cause let's face it, 50 pounds isn't going to simply fall off our body in a week or two.
Realistically, you can expect to lose anywhere between 4-10 pounds per month depending on how well you maintain healthy eating habits and how often you exercise. Therefore to shed 50 pounds of fat off your body in a healthy manner, that will take a minimum of 5 months of focus. The less focus you maintain, the longer it will take to lose your target amount.
It's going to be a fight, a battle testing your will power and dedication on a daily basis. The process will be especially difficult if you are used to eating fast food, drinking soda, and eating unhealthy snacks on a regular basis. It is these types of choices that will have to be changed if you are going to have any chance of coming out of this fight the winner.
But don't feel as though you must fight the perfect fight in order to win for this is not the case whatsoever.
As in any boxing match, even the winning fighter will have been hit quite a number of times, especially if the match goes the entire 12 rounds. The same goes for your weight loss efforts. You may take a hit every now and then in this weight loss fight, but it's how you respond to those hits that will determine how well you rebound from the blow.
In other words, on the random day when you give in to the temptation to order a double bacon cheeseburger combo with french fries and a soda that's definitely a big upper cut punch since that particular meal is well over 1,800 calories by itself. The fighter who is determined to win the weight loss battle will deal with this uppercut blow, but quickly get back to what they know is going to help them win this fight - healthy eating habits along with exercising 4-6 days per week.
You can consider each round of this fight as one month. Keep track of home many "hits" you take that month. Three to five hits are OK per round (month), but if you're taking 10-20 hits each round then most likely this fight to get fit will be short-lived and the end results will be no weight loss.
If you truly want to win this fight, then you must take it upon yourself to make healthy choices not only at breakfast or dinner but throughout the day. When you are able to grasp a stranglehold on your daily nutritional intake, then you will no longer be in a fight to get fit contest since you will already be the winner.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Seven Eating Habits To Stay Fit And Healthy

Fitness is not only measured in terms of one's figure, but also in terms of one's health. Unhealthy food coupled with poor eating habits is the root cause of most of the lifestyle issues humans suffer today. These include obesity, cosmetic problems, heart diseases, diabetes and blood pressure. If you want to stay fit and live healthy, you must review your daily diet. This article sheds light on 7 eating habits to keep your body fit.
1. Eat Breakfast:
This is one statement every health expert will stand by. The reason you should not skip breakfast is because it is the first meal of the day. It refuels the body after an approximate 7-8 hour fast. Additionally, it kicks up your metabolism and controls food cravings later in the day. All these factors help one maintain healthy weight.
2. Find an ally in fiber:
Fiber is what you need in abundant quantities if you want to stay fit and healthy. Fiber is one of the toughest food components to digest and the body has to work really hard to break it down. This increases fat burning while at the same time creates a lasting feeling of fullness. Fiber also helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body. You can get your daily requirement of fiber by eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables and beans.
3. Stick to a diet or a meal plan:
This does sound daunting especially to those with voracious appetite and those who love to have a new dish on their platter every single day. The plain reason why we recommend working with a diet plan is because this way you know your foods. You are aware of the total number of calories in a particular serving as well as the amount of proteins, fat, carbohydrates and fiber it contains individually. Such certainty eliminates the guesswork and puts you in better control of your eating habits.
4. Guzzle litres of water:
Water is bland and hence, not a favorite with many. We prefer sodas and iced tea. Water is the most essential component as more than 50% of the human body is made up of water. One must drink enough of this fluid to promote healthy body function. Water also keeps one hydrated and energized. You should drink around 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you exercise, your intake should be more than the standard. However, make sure that you do not drink more than a gallon as excess water intake dilutes the body's electrolytes.
5. Clear out your fridge/ pantry of all ugly temptations:
Cookies, candies, chocolates, crackers, chips, ice cream and soda are some of your favorite foods, but they are the worst enemies to your health. Their high fat, sugar and sodium content not only cause you to put on weight but also act as the harbinger of other chronic ailments. You should clean out your refrigerator and pantry of all these temptations. When it is out of sight, it is out of mind. Also, in the absence of your favorite foods, you will start looking for healthier alternatives.
6. Eat your favorite treats in moderation:
While we do recommend cutting your intake of temptation foods, we advise against eliminating them completely. You can eat them in moderation or occasionally. By taking this middle path you will be able to enjoy your favorite foods without overstepping the limits.
7. Cook your meals:
In today's fast paced world, ready-to-eat and packaged meals are the most convenient option for many. Packaged and processed meals contain preservatives and artificial additives to make it last longer. These preservatives are known for their high fat and sodium content. If you want to keep the pounds off and live healthy, you should opt for home-cooked foods. Plan your meals ahead so that you have all the ingredients at hand when you step into your kitchen to cook.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Taryn Brumfitt Video Reveals Women Find Their Bodies 'Disgusting': What Can We Do About It?

Beyonce's gone on about it, all the while showing off her incredible post-baby weight loss, and tiny (though considered plus size in Hollywood) Jennifer Lawrence has tried to outlaw the word 'fat'.
Unattainable celebs paying lip service to body image is all well and good, but one Australian woman is fighting negative body image in a way we can all relate to.
Using deeply personal and powerful images of herself, the mum-of-three reveals in a short film how she hated her 'post baby body' and even considered plastic surgery before realising that in order to pass on a healthy body image to her daughters, she needed to find a way to love herself as she is.
She asked 100 women to describe their body in one word. And the overwhelming response is heartbreaking, with 'disgusting' being a clear theme.Taryn posted her image on Facebook
You might recognise Taryn from the unconventional before and after shots she released a year ago that showed her in a body building competition (before) and as a regular, rather softer, mum (after).
She was lauded for showing a real, un-airbrushed view of women's bodies and is part of a bigger movement celebrating real bodies, rather than the airbrushed, personal-trainer-sculpted abs we're so used to seeing.
She started a website, The Body Image Movement, and is raising money to get her documentary made.
But while it's all very well Beyonce et al telling us to feel good about our bodies, no matter what we look like, it's not as simple as that.
Brumfitt is the first to admit that learning to love her body has not been easy. She writes: "It's taken a lot of effort, time and energy but I can tell you there is nothing better than a) loving your body wholeheartedly, lumps and bumps and all and b) telling society where they can shove their ideals of beauty."

Elizabeth Kesses, author of the Ugly Little Girl trilogy, agrees that it's easier said than done.
"What I strongly believe and what Taryn's story shows is that body confidence is wrapped up in general self esteem. If you don't feel confident, the first thing you take it out on is your body.
"Even when she had a 'perfect' body, Taryn wasn't happy, and it took improving her own self esteem before she could be happy in the body she was in."
She continues: "And I know it's true because it's what I went through and I really struggled with it. I was at a real low point, boarderline anorexic and it was a hole I just couldn't get out of."
Through her own experience and extensive research Kesses has some advice for those of us for whom being body confident seems impossible.(REX)
"Firstly, it takes about 21 days to change behavior and one technique that you can do every day is celebrate three things that you’re happy about. They don't have to be about your body, though they can be. Do that every day you'll start to create feelings of wellbeing and happiness.
"Secondly, when we look in the mirror, the first thing we do is start being really negative and looking at things we don’t like. We would never dream of looking at others in the same way. So force yourself to focus on the things that look good that day - maybe your hair's looking less frizzy than yesterday, or your eyes a little brighter.
"And thirdly, there's social interaction. When we're with friends we indulge in a phenomenon called 'fat talking'. It starts from about the age of 11 and it's a ritualised conversation - about how fat you are, who's lost weight, who feels good...
"And It's something you have to conciously stop yourself doing. Instead of saying 'you've lost weight', give a more specific compliment. Tell your friends she looks great in that hat or something that's not related to weight loss."
She also suggests that in the beginning, espeically if you're feeling sensitive, you take a break from glossy mags, which have been shown to decrease self-esteem.
And finally, look for your passions as a way of boosting your overall confidence.

"Most of us don’t ever really work out what our passions are, yet the thing that gives you the biggest amount of self esteem is to work out what you're good at - your unique skills.