It's easy to get bored at the gym and when you start just going through the motions on autopilot it's time to make a change or just mix it up.
A start of a new year, in this case the academic year, is the perfect time to make that change and start a new regime, so we’re taking you back to the classroom to teach you five ways to rethink your workout.

Get a training partner
Working out can be such a lonely existence so why not find a training buddy? Not only will it make working out more enjoyable, but the results will dramatically improve too.
Research at Stanford University found that simply receiving a phone call each fortnight quizzing you on your exercise regime can boost the amount of exercise you do by up to 78%.
So imagine the impact an actual partner can do?
As well as making you accountable, so you can't decide to stay sat on the sofa, having a training buddy will also help motivate you and open the door to more classes because going on your own can be intimidating,
If you don't have a friend or colleague who would make a good training partner, then don't let that stop you.
Set goals and make them public
If you want to slim down for your holiday or get ready for a half marathon, make sure you tell people about it, and where better to do that than via social media?
There are plenty of 30-day plans out there like the abs and plank challenges, which have become so popular and successful because they encourage people to post updates to their profile. That means everyone knows when you’re giving it a go, and perhaps more importantly, if you give up.
The most important thing though is to keep goals realistic, and where possible break the goals down into even more doable mini-goals.
Try a class
As well as getting mentally bored with working out, you can get physically bored too. When this happens the exercise stops having the desired effect, as your body gets used to the routine.
So change it and change it quick. If you are used to doing circuits in a gym then opt for a class and vice versa. There are a whole range of different classes, whether you are looking for cardio or strength training exercises and some can even be fun.
Zumba has been one of the fastest growing exercise classes around as it combines low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
At the other end of the scale Pilates and yoga remain as popular as ever as the perfect way to tone and strengthen in a more sedate and relaxing environment.
Get outside
According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be.
So where better to train than in the great outdoors?
Workouts outdoors are more strenuous due to changes in terrain and wind resistance, meaning you burn more calories while covering the same distance, whether it's on foot or a bike.
Researchers at the University of Essex found that "green exercise" has the added benefit of helping mental health.
They found that just five minutes resulted in improvements in self-esteem and mood.
Other studies found that after exercising outdoors people have lower blood levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, while exposure to direct sunlight is also known to positively affect your mood due to increased production of the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin.
Sign up for a boot camp
At least once a week we see a celebrity being put through their paces in the park by a personal trainer, but boot camps are also available for everyone. Boot camps are great because they combine the benefits of exercising outside with working out with others.
Many personal trainers also promise dramatic results and put together short and long camps depending on what you hope or need to achieve.
One of the main benefits of this is that you are supervised at all times, so you know that the exercises you’re doing are right. You’ll also find that you do something different every session, so you won’t be getting bored anytime soon, and the fact that you’re working out in a group will help keep you motivated.
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