Monday, 29 September 2014

Height/weight chart

You can use this chart to check if you're the right weight for your height. Alternatively, you can use the BMI healthy weight calculator.

This height/weight chart is only suitable for adult men and women. It isn't suitable for children or young people under 18.
If you want to check if your child is a healthy weight for their height, or if you are under 18 yourself, use the BMI healthy weight calculator, which is suitable for both adults and children.
Growth charts specifically for children are included in the red book (Personal Child Health Record) given to parents in most areas of England just before or after the birth of their child. 

Interpreting the height/weight chart

Remember that this chart is only suitable for people aged 18 and over.


If you're in the underweight range, there are a number of possible reasons for this. Your GP can help you find out more and give you help and advice. 

Healthy weight

If you're in this range, it means you're a healthy weight for your height. However, to stay in good health, it's still important to eat abalanced diet and include physical activity in your daily life. Adults should be active for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) every week. Find out more in Benefits of exercise.

Overweight, obese or very obese

If you're in any of these ranges, you're heavier than is healthy for someone of your height. Excess weight puts you at increased risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. It's time to take action. There's lots of information, advice and support on NHS Choices that can help you.
  • Lose weight has information and advice on achieving a healthy weight.
  • Food and diet contains information and advice on healthy eating.
  • Health and fitness gives you information on physical activity, including advice on how much exercise to do and how to get fit for free.
You can also talk to your GP or practice nurse. They can offer advice on lifestyle changes, and may refer you to a weight loss group or discuss other treatments. Find out more in How your GP can help.

Is this chart suitable for all adults?

This chart is suitable for most people aged 18 and over. However, if you have a very muscular build it may not be suitable. This is because having lots of muscle may put you in the overweight or obese categories, even if you have little body fat. For example, professional rugby players can fall into the 'obese' category despite having very little body fat. However, this will not apply to most people.
In addition to BMI, your waist circumference can provide information about your health. You can learn more in Why body shape matters.

Check your BMI

BMI (Body Mass Index) is another measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. You can see if you are a healthy weight for your height and receive tailored advice by checking your BMI using our BMI healthy weight calculator.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Fall Harvest is Here! See What’s in Season

It is officially fall! And while it seems like pumpkins are the only seasonal veggie in the spotlight, we wanted to share some of the other goods you’ll definitely want to throw in your basket this season along with some delicious recipes to incorporate them in.
All of these produce items are freshest from mid-September to mid-December and are sure to be plentiful at your local farmers market.
We would love to get some of your recipes for these fresh fall picks along with a few of your other favorite seasonal goods, so share them with us in the comments!

 Broccoli and Cauliflower

We know broccoli and cauliflower are different vegetables, but for the sake of brevity we’ll group them together. Broccoli is a great source of Vitamin C and dietary fiber with a good dose of Vitamin A and K as well.
Cauliflower doesn’t pack as big of a nutritional punch as broccoli, but does win in its amount of potassium and folate.
Cauliflower also comes in other colors other than white if you want to get your kids excited about it, we love the purple variety. The difference in color is due to the presence of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which can also be found in red cabbage and red wine.
No matter which veggie you choose to go with, you really can’t go wrong. Both are extremely nutritious, and we love how you can eat them raw or cooked in a variety of ways.

 Winter Squash

Despite its name, winter squash is actually grown throughout the summer months, and once it develops a full, hard rind it is good for eating and storing. By the time the squash fully matures, that time is in the fall and winter months.
There are quite a few varieties of winter squash, pumpkins included (however, we had to give pumpkins their own category), but some of the other notable ones include butternut squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, sweet dumpling squash and carnival squash.
According to epicurious, winter squash varieties are naturally low in fat and calories, and deliver rich amounts of vitamins A, B6, C, and E, as well as magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Winter squash is also a source for iron and riboflavin.

 Pears and Pomegranates

We couldn’t let vegetables take all the glory, there’s some fall fruits worth fawning over, too. These two fruits not only delicious on their own, but we think they’re pretty good as a pair as well.
While pomegranates do require a little more patience, the nutritional benefits make fighting for those little seeds worth it. Pomegranates contain three types of antioxidant polyphenols, including tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid, in significant amounts, which is why pomegranates are touted as one of the top superfoods.
Pears are high on the fiber scale with roughly 6 grams for a medium-sized fruit, and they also contain vitamins C, K, B2, B3, and B6 and folate. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese are also found in pears. Kind of makes you rethink that “apple a day” phrase. Maybe we should switch to a pear a day!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

11 Ingredients That Make You Lose Weight

Who knew weight loss could be as easy as adding eleven items to your shopping list?
Start cooking with these fat-destroying ingredients, and you’ll be losing weight before you know it.Special spices can speed your metabolism (RealBuzz)Special spices can speed your metabolism (RealBuzz)


Saffron is a versatile spice that should be in every cook’s arsenal for its taste alone, but it could also help you with dropping those unwanted pounds. Saffron contains a compound that increases your body’s production of the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin, which also helps to regulate your appetite and make you feel full for longer.

Dark chocolate 

Sweet tooths rejoice – chocolate can help you lose weight. Natural dark chocolate was investigated in a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, and its high levels of antioxidants were found to lessen the build up of fat cells. There’s a couple of caveats of course – the chocolate needs to be dark, and contain no added sugar for the fat-blasting properties to work.


Because of its unique taste that is often compared to licorice, fennel can help to do away with your cravings for sweet and unhealthy foods. Fennel seeds are great as well because they are a potent carminative, which means they regulate the expulsion of gas from your intestines and reduce bloating.


A recent study published in Diabetes Care found that one of the best ways to balance blood sugar levels and lose weight is to opt for a dash of cinnamon. In the research, cinnamon was shown to improve response levels to insulin in the liver, which led to improved blood sugar balance and increased weight loss.Coconut: The oil of all goodness (REX)Coconut: The oil of all goodness (REX)

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fantastic weight loss tool because of its high levels of SMCFAs and MCFAs – short and medium-chain fatty acids. MCFAs in particular are easily digested, which means when they’re broken down in your liver they give you an instant energy boost and increase your metabolism. As an added bonus, the most abundant of these MCFAs, lauric acid, has been linked with a strengthened immune system and increased disease resistance.

White kidney beans

If you can’t stop wolfing down carbs, add some white kidney beans to your next meal. White kidney beans contain a natural enzyme inhibitor that helps to level out the blood sugar spikes caused by carbohydrate consumption. A study published in Obesity found that this lead to 74% of participants losing weight and maintaining their new weight for at least 6 months.

Green coffee beans

Before they go through the roasting process, coffee beans are known as ‘green’. Because of their high levels of chlorogenic acid (which is mostly burned away if the beans are roasted), green coffee beans were found to accelerate weight loss in a study at the University of Scranton, where the average participant lost 8kg and saw a 16% reduction in body fat. The taste isn’t anything to write home about, so you can also consider mixing green coffee bean extract with regular black coffee to enjoy the same benefits.


Slow things down the next time you eat by splashing some vinegar on your food. Swedish researchers discovered that when participants ate food with vinegar on their satiety levels were higher than those who ate plain food. It’s thought that the acetic acid in vinegar actually increases the amount of time it takes your food to move from your stomach to your intestine, so you’ll still feel full well after your meal.

Hemp seeds 

Perfect sprinkled onto a salad or mixed into sauces, hemp seeds are a fantastic weight loss tool according to a study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. That comes as no surprise when you consider hemp seeds are packed with protein and fibre to keep you feeling full, and have a slightly sweet taste to dull your cravings. Indian spice turmeric has also been linked to cancer-fighting (REX)Indian spice turmeric has also been linked to cancer-fighting (REX)


New research carried out at Tufts University claims that turmeric is useful for far more than spicing up curries. The study discovered that curcumin, one of the key compounds in turmeric, can speed up your metabolism and decrease body fat percentage. It’s thought that this is because curcumin stimulates the enzymes needed for fat oxidation.


Say hello to the perfect weight loss appetiser. When eaten before meals, grapefruit was found to lead to 0.5kg of weight loss every week in a Californian study. Grapefruit is such a strong fat burner because it contains a compound that regulates insulin levels and prevents fat storage.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

11 Totally Brilliant Health Cures You Never Knew

Brilliant health cures you never knewBrilliant health cures you never knew

Let the sun banish your bruises

Have you ever noticed bruises disappear quicker on holiday? That's because sunshine helps break them up.
Ultra violet rays break down bilirubin, which is the product of a haemoglobin breakdown that causes the yellowish colour of a bruise.
Bruises can also be a sign of Vitamin D deficiency - a vitamin that we get from the sun - so as well helping bruises heal, some sunbathing could also help prevent further problems.

Stick your tongue out to hiccups

Hiccups can be funny at first but if a shock or drinking your drink upside down doesn’t stop them, then sticking your tongue out could.
Hiccups occur when the diaphragm contracts quickly causing air to be sucked in, which in turn snaps the vocal cord shut and makes the ‘hiccup’ sound.
Sticking your tongue out can cure the problem because it stimulates the opening between the vocal cords, which in turn helps stop the spasms.

A tea a day keeps puffy eyes at bay

Puffy eyes can be a real irritation, especially during the summer months, but there are plenty of quick fixes if you're not planning cosmetic surgery.
Tea bags are perfect for helping reduce swelling thanks to the natural tannins, which act as an astringent - just make sure you cool them down first!

Prevent body odour and bites with your deodorant

When insects strike we don't always have bite sprays to hand -  but there's something else which may be able to help.
Rubbing alcohol on the bite can help dry it out and reduce the itch, while deodorant can also immediately relieve any discomfort.
That’s because these contain aluminium chloride, which is effective in stopping the pain and swelling associated with mosquito bites.

Banish warts with duct tape

No one likes suffering with warts, so the news that duct tape gets rid of them quicker than freezing them off is great news.
A study published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found it eliminated 85% of the warts after 2 months, compared with 60% with the freezing method because chemicals in the tape suffocate and kill the unsightly growth.
Every three days the tape was removed and dead skin filed down until the wart disappeared.

See the back of your spots with aspirin

We know aspirin can help prevent heart attacks but it seems they can also help with spots thanks to the salicylic acid, which constricts blood vessels and reduces inflammation.
Crush a tablet and mix into a paste using water then apply to spots and redness. Cover the area with a plaster and after 30 minutes everything should be less visible.Ditch the coffee (REX)Ditch the coffee (REX)

Ban coffee and spice to keep smelling nice

If you suffer from excessive sweating, changing your diet could help.
As well as stimulating your taste buds, spicy foods and strong coffee can also spur your sweat glands into action.
"Caffeine and spices can activate neurotransmitters, called acetylcholine, which are located in your brain,” says Kelley Redbord, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist.
“Anything that stimulates these neurotransmitters can sometimes affect the glands that cause sweating.”

Honey - the perfect sweetener after a burn

Honey is a real multi-tasker and something we should all have in the cupboard - not least for when we are craving a sweet treat - but it is also a great relief for burns.
As well as drawing out fluid, scientists at the University of Auckland, in New Zealand (published by the Cochrane Library) found it encouraged the body to shed old skin and grow new skin in its place.

Wipe away your smelly feet - with vodka!

If you suffer with smelly feet, wiping them down with an alcohol soaked cloth could help.
As well as being an antiseptic to kill off any fungus and bacteria, the alcohol also dries too. This will prevent the moisture that can act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

Olive Oil - good for the heart and the skin

Everyone has Olive Oil in their cupboard and as well as being a must in the kitchen it also has real healing properties for Eczema sufferers.
It moisturises for starters but is also packed with antioxidants that can help soothe flare-ups, when applied directly to the area. It can also help prevent and repair damage that can lead to wrinkles and brown spots.

Music makes the heart happier

Listening to your favourite music every day can help reduce your blood pressure, according to research from the University of Florence.
Researchers found that people on a medication for hypertension lowered their blood pressure by an extra 3.2 points a week by listening to music for just 30 minutes a day.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

The Art Of Detox

The Art Of Detox
Detoxing has many health benefits: it can enhance your energy levels, clear the skin and improve digestion. A seven-day detox can help get things back on track if you're feeling a bit under the weather.
Follow these rules for a general week-long detox, from nutritionist:
1. Avoid black tea, coffee and alcohol. Instead drink herbal tea. Nettle tea is great at supporting the kidneys.
2. Drink at least 1 litre of water per day - ideally more. Keep a bottle by your desk and sip regularly - you'll be amazed how easy it is if you drink little and often.
3. Drink fresh juices. For example, carrot, beetroot, apple and cucumber juice, which are all both nourishing and cleansing.
4. Avoid processed foods. Steer clear of all ready meals, savoury snacks and biscuits. Aim to eat only food in its natural state. Cook it by steaming, lightly boiling or poaching, to retain as many nutrients as possible and full flavour.
5. Choose organic food in order to minimize your intake of toxic pesticides. Even if you can't make every item organic, do the best you can - it will make a difference.
6. Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day - ideally more. At lunchtime and for dinner, aim to cover at least 60% of your plate with vegetables and eat as much variety as possible.
7. Cut down on animal products. Avoid dairy and replace milk with soya or nut milks. Lentils, beans, quinoa, seeds and nuts are good protein alternatives.
8. Thirty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a day, such as walking or cycling will help you to get rid of those excess Christmas pounds, as well as having a vast range of other health benefits. Exercise is good for your heart, lungs, muscles and bones, as well as improving your mood and giving you a sense of well being.

Friday, 12 September 2014

5 Ways To Rethink Your Workouts

It's easy to get bored at the gym and when you start just going through the motions on autopilot it's time to make a change or just mix it up.
A start of a new year, in this case the academic year, is the perfect time to make that change and start a new regime, so we’re taking you back to the classroom to teach you five ways to rethink your workout.
Rethink your workoutRethink your workout

Get a training partner

Working out can be such a lonely existence so why not find a training buddy? Not only will it make working out more enjoyable, but the results will dramatically improve too.
Research at Stanford University found that simply receiving a phone call each fortnight quizzing you on your exercise regime can boost the amount of exercise you do by up to 78%.
So imagine the impact an actual partner can do?
As well as making you accountable, so you can't decide to stay sat on the sofa, having a training buddy will also help motivate you and open the door to more classes because going on your own can be intimidating,
If you don't have a friend or colleague who would make a good training partner, then don't let that stop you. 

Set goals and make them public

If you want to slim down for your holiday or get ready for a half marathon, make sure you tell people about it, and where better to do that than via social media?
There are plenty of 30-day plans out there like the abs and plank challenges, which have become so popular and successful because they encourage people to post updates to their profile. That means everyone knows when you’re giving it a go, and perhaps more importantly, if you give up.
The most important thing though is to keep goals realistic, and where possible break the goals down into even more doable mini-goals.

Try a class

As well as getting mentally bored with working out, you can get physically bored too. When this happens the exercise stops having the desired effect, as your body gets used to the routine.
So change it and change it quick. If you are used to doing circuits in a gym then opt for a class and vice versa. There are a whole range of different classes, whether you are looking for cardio or strength training exercises and some can even be fun.
Zumba has been one of the fastest growing exercise classes around as it combines low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
At the other end of the scale Pilates and yoga remain as popular as ever as the perfect way to tone and strengthen in a more sedate and relaxing environment.

Get outside

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the closer you live to nature, the healthier you're likely to be.
So where better to train than in the great outdoors?
Workouts outdoors are more strenuous due to changes in terrain and wind resistance, meaning you burn more calories while covering the same distance, whether it's on foot or a bike.
Researchers at the University of Essex found that "green exercise" has the added benefit of helping mental health. 
They found that just five minutes resulted in improvements in self-esteem and mood.
Other studies found that after exercising outdoors people have lower blood levels of cortisol, a hormone related to stress, while exposure to direct sunlight is also known to positively affect your mood due to increased production of the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin.

Sign up for a boot camp

At least once a week we see a celebrity being put through their paces in the park by a personal trainer, but boot camps are also available for everyone. Boot camps are great because they combine the benefits of exercising outside with working out with others.
Many personal trainers also promise dramatic results and put together short and long camps depending on what you hope or need to achieve.
One of the main benefits of this is that you are supervised at all times, so you know that the exercises you’re doing are right. You’ll also find that you do something different every session, so you won’t be getting bored anytime soon, and the fact that you’re working out in a group will help keep you motivated.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

13 Of The Best Baked Potato Toppings

Baked with Eggs

[The Cooking Jar][The Cooking Jar]

Well this is a good idea. Farah, from the blog The Cooking Jar, has hollowed out baked potatoes before cracking in an egg, sprinkling over some bacon and cheese and sliding them back into the oven. She calls them Idaho Sunrise - and in 20 minutes you’ll have a baked potato with a runny-yolked egg inside. And breakfast? Sure thing. “Pop this one in the oven in the morn,” she says, “and you’ll be eating breakfast like a champ.”

Vegan, Skinny-Style

[Lunchbox Bunch][Lunchbox Bunch]

We often think of creamy, cheesy toppings for our baked spuds, but Kathy at the blog Lunchbox Bunch has come up with this tasty vegan Skinny-Style topping, which includes tomatoes, coriander, chives and a little soy yoghurt stuffed into a baked sweet potato. Check out the recipe, and some more baked potato ideas on her website.

Spicy and Baked Twice

[The Healthy Family and Home][The Healthy Family and Home]

Here’s a baked potato that’s super healthy. It’s vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and suitable for those on a paleo diet, too. You just scoop out the insides of a baked potato, mix with the turmeric, red pepper flakes and other ingredients and then pop back into the oven to warm up again. The turmeric gives it a sweet, fragrant flavour as well as a vibrant yellow colour. Check out the recipe for these spicy turmeric twice-baked potatoes at the blog Healthy Family and Home.

Broccoli Cheese

[Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice][Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice]

“Broccoli loves cheese and garlic,” Reeni from the blog Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice writes, about this broccoli cheese baked potato recipe. A creamy garlic-cheese sauce, made with Gouda and sharp Cheddar, with broccoli florets. Perfect for pouring all over a freshly-baked spud. Oh, and crispy bacon is a suggested optional extra.

Feta, Olives, Sundried Tomatoes

[Lunchbox Bunch][Lunchbox Bunch]

Here’s a gorgeous baked sweet potato. It’s from the blog Gourmande in the Kitchen and is stuffed with feta, olives and sundried tomatoes. The recipe’s creator, Sylvie, says that the potato “will satisfy those salty/sweet cravings with the tastes of the Mediterranean.”

Taco Baked Potatoes

[Six Sisters Stuff][Six Sisters Stuff]

Baked potatoes are so versatile you can even pretend that they’re actually taco shells and load them up with minced meat, cheese, olives and sour cream. This idea for baked potato tacos comes from the blog Six Sisters. Chop up a load of toppings and salads and let everyone top their own for a DIY dinner.

Quinoa, Cranberry and Kale

[Leslie Durso][Leslie Durso]

How about this for a stunning-looking vegan dish? A sweet potato baked and then stuffed with quinoa, kale, sliced almonds and cranberries, courtesy of Leslie Durso. It’s colourful, healthy and protein-rich, too.

Apple and Bacon-Stuffed

[How Sweet It Is][How Sweet It Is]

Wait. A baked potato topped with caramelised apple pieces and golden bacon? That sounds like all sorts of heavenly, right there. Jessica from How Sweet It Is scoops out the sweet potato flesh after baking it and then mashes in some goat’s cheese and spices before piling on the cooked bacon and apple.

Mini Pizza Spuds

[Frugal Momeh][Frugal Momeh]

As if jacket potatoes couldn’t get any cuter - Elizabeth from the blog Frugal Momeh came up with these mini pizza baked spuds topped with cheese and pepperoni slices. And because they’re tiny, they bake in around half an hour. But don’t make them just for the kids. Elizabeth writes: “They are fun enough for even the pickiest kid but delicious enough that adults will be fighting over the last one.”

Cajun Crab

[Thyme and Tamarind][Thyme and Tamarind]

We don’t see seafood enough on baked potatoes, do we? Which is why these Cajun Crab-stuffed baked potatoes are such a brilliant idea. They were created by Dala, from the blog Thyme and Tamarind. “The next time you have a comfort food craving, make these spicy and creamy stuffed potatoes,” she says. “You’re going to love it. You may also wish you were walking the streets of New Orleans with a beignet in one hand and a cafe au lait in the other.”

Cheese, Bacon and Spring Onion

[The Girl Who Ate Everything][The Girl Who Ate Everything]

It was about time we had another cheese and bacon-topped potato. These Ultimate Twice-Baked Potatoes from The Girl Who Ate Everything, are fluffy in the centre and rich with melted cheese, crispy bacon and sliced spring onions.

Lentil, Chard, Pistachio and Feta

[Happy Hearted Kitchen][Happy Hearted Kitchen]

“A no fuss week night meal, with a few extra sprinkles to make it jazzy,” is how Jodi, from the blog Happy Hearted Kitchen introduces this baked sweet potato with chard, feta, lentils and pistachios. Creamy feta, earthy lentils, crunchy pistachios on soft sweet potato flesh… we’re off to stick the oven on.

What are your favourite baked potato toppings? Have any of these recipes given you inspiration to try something new?

Saturday, 6 September 2014

10 Foods All Women Should Eat

10 essential foods for female health

While there are some foods we should all be eating more of, men and women also have their own set of dietary requirements as well as their own unique health concerns. Here are ten foods that women should eat.

Tomatoes are one food that women should eat

Female-friendly food 1: Tomatoes

Another vibrant carotenoid beneficial for women's health is lycopene, a pigment found in tomatoes. Studies have suggested that lycopene may be effective in preventing breast cancer. Furthermore, there has been considerable evidence to suggest that the powerful antioxidant can help reduce risk of heart disease — the leading cause of death in women in the US, Australia, England and Wales.

Female-friendly food 2: Butternut squash

Butternut squash — like many other yellow/orange fruit and vegetables — is packed with carotenoids such as alpha-carotene and beta-carotene and thefore ranks highly in the list of foods that women should eat. While carotenes should be included in everybody's diet for optimum health, they may prove essential to women's health as a high-carotenoid diet has been linked to lowered risks of both breast and ovarian cancer.

Female-friendly food 3: Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and have been linked to reduced risk of breast cancer and heart disease. The seeds' anti-inflammatory properties are also good for preventing arthritis, while their digestive benefits can help irritable bowel syndrome; two painful conditions which are more prevalent in women than men.

Female-friendly food 4: Salmon

Salmon has a multitude of positive health benefits for women. Not only is it rich in iron — which is integral to the diets of premenopausal women — but it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, known for their mood-enhancing effects. Studies have suggested that omega-3 can help beat depression (something that affects twice as many women as men) and prevent mood swings, while salmon can also boost babies' intelligence when eaten during pregnancy.

Female-friendly food 5: Cranberries

Various studies have suggested strong links between consuming cranberries and reduced risks of breast cancer and heart disease. However, the most notorious benefit of cranberries is their ability to prevent and cure urinary tract infections such as cystitis, which is eight times more likely to occur in women than men. One study suggests that drinking two glasses of cranberry juice a day can prevent the symptoms of common UTIs in women, making cranberries a food that women should consume.

Female-friendly food 6: Spinach

Spinach is rich in many different vitamins and minerals, but one thing that makes it great for women is its high content of magnesium. Research has shown that magnesium may be beneficial in reducing many of the physical symptoms of PMS which plague women, including reduction of swelling, breast tenderness, bloating and weight gain.

Female-friendly food 7: Figs

Figs are a great health food, containing many vital minerals and vitamins as well as contributing to your daily portions of fruit and veg. Two minerals found in figs that are particularly beneficial to women's health are iron, which is often deficient in menstruating women, and calcium, which is important for post-menopausal women, who are more prone to osteoporosis.

Female-friendly food 8: Milk

Milk is a great source of calcium, which is extremely beneficial to women's health, particularly when combined with vitamin D (found in some varieties of milk and many fortified milk products). Consumption of the combined nutrients is not only good for warding off osteoporosis, but a study has suggested that a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D could ease, or even prevent, symptoms of PMS.

Female-friendly food 9: Oats

Oats are literally packed with health-boosting nutrients, many of which have great impacts on female health. Oats are not only great for heart health, digestion and blood pressure levels (with hypertension affecting many women over 50), but they contain vitamin B6, which can help prevent PMS and mood swings, and folic acid, which is important for women to consume before and during pregnancy to prevent birth defects in babies.

Female-friendly food 10: Walnuts

While all nuts are great for our health, walnuts have many great individual benefits for women. A study has recently found that walnuts, which are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols, may help to reduce women's risk of developing breast cancer, while their high omega-3 content may also help bone health, arthritis pain and depression. Walnuts also contain many nutrients essential for female health, such as calcium, magnesium and folic acid